The Internet, Health and Clinical Psychology Research Group

A close-up of a woman's hands typing on a laptop computer.
Photo: iStock

Is it possible to provide psychological treatment via the Internet? How can we better understand tinnitus and reduce distress by means of cognitive behavior therapy? What treatments work for depression?

The research group works with many different areas such as anxiety, depression and health problems. The latter include, for example, tinnitus and chronic pain. We also focus on the mental aspects of health problems, which include cognition, epidemiology and neuropyschology. Many of the projects work with internet-based CBT, and the group carries out randomised controlled clinical trials. Online treatment and tinnitus can be said to be the principal directions of our research.

We use to recruit participants to our trials. At this website, it is possible to register your interest in several treatment trials that are under way or soon to start at a number of universities in Sweden. All research projects have undergone ethical vetting and are free of charge for the participants.



The website is our Swedish portal where future participants can register their interest of upcoming studies. The portal is a collaboration between Linköping University, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Örebro University, Umeå University and Karolinska Institutet. - Psychological treatment on the Internet
