The behaviour of chlorine in soils

A forest grove

Radioactive chlorine is a part of the waste from nuclear power plants. This project aims to study key processes leading to chlorination or dechlorination of soil organic matter, how these processes are regulated and how they affect risk assessments regarding radioactive chlorine in systems of relevance for nuclear waste management in France.

Radioactive chlorine is a constituent of radioactive waste, and is mobile, easily taken up by organisms and has a long half-life (approx. 300 000 years). Therefore there is a growing interest in Cl behavior in various environments. At the same time, an extensive natural chlorination of organic matter has been highlighted and this transformation from mobile chloride to less mobile organic chlorine has strong implications for bioavailability and residence times of radioactive chlorine in ecosystems.

This project aims to study key processes leading to chlorination or dechlorination of soil organic matter, how these processes are regulated and how they affect risk assessments regarding radioactive chlorine in systems of relevance for nuclear waste management in France.


Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB AB)

