DigiMaker is the Library’s creative space for learning and testing technologies, techniques and methods.

DigiMaker offers introductions and workshops on various themes, for example:

  • 3D-printing
  • 3D modelling, i.e. how to create your own models for 3D printing
  • Producing videos and podcasts
  • Programming

When studying at LiU, DigiMaker can become a part of your education, for example to demonstrate how Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to travel in time and space or to help you create your own videos and audio recordings.

DigiMaker’s facilities are located in Valla Library (Studenthuset, 5th floor), Campus Norrköping Library (DigiMaker, Flexsalen), and Medical Library at University Hospital Campus. Our target groups are undergraduate and PhD students as well as researchers at LiU.

Want to know more?

As a student or employee at LiU, you can find out more about DigiMaker, sign up for our workshops and book 3D printers at Liunet.

If you want to book DigiMaker or have questions, please email us at biblioteket@liu.se.

Images from DigiMaker

Campus libraries

Page responsible: Linköping University Library, biblioteket@liu.se