As announced during the LINK-SIC workshop 2020, we will try a new format for the Think tanks (discussion sessions) and have a series of events focusing on the Core competences of the center.

The idea of the Think tanks is to enable informal discussions of topics related to the Core competences. The discussions will be driven by the interests and the questions from the participants. Hopefully the discussions will identify topics and questions of common interest for several partners in the center. The participants are welcome to bring questions to the discussions.

The events will be arranged the following dates;


4 December, 13.00 - 14.00: Learning methods for control (Svante Gunnarsson, svante.gunnarsson [at]

18 December, 13.00 - 14.00: Control oriented physical modeling (Lars Eriksson, lars.eriksson [at]


8 January, 13.00 - 14.00: Data-driven modeling (Martin Enqvist, martin.enqvist [at]

15 January, 13.00 - 14.00: Optimization for control applications (Johan Löfberg, johan.lofberg [at]

22 January, 13.00 - 14.00: Sensor fusion (Fredrik Gustafsson, fredrik.gustafsson [at]

The events will be arranged online via Teams. If you are interested in participating send a mail to the contact person for the event, according to the schedule above. The contact person will then provide you with the Teams invitation.

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