LINK-SIC - Linköping Center for Sensor Informatics and Control

LINK-SIC researchers.
Photo: David Brohede

LINK-SIC — Linköping Center for Sensor Informatics and Control — is a Vinnova Competence Center for industry-academia cooperation with the general area of control systems and signal processing. The center's operational period was between 2017 and 2023.

The activities within LINK-SIC concern industry-oriented research within areas of vital importance for Swedish system-building industry. This industry sector is crucial for the growth and economical sustainability of the country, and Sweden has a number of successful companies competing on the global market.

LINK-SIC encompasses several of the largest of these companies (ABB Corporate Research, ABB Cranes, ABB Robotics, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique, Saab Aeronautics, and Scania) together with several small and medium-size enterprises (Actia Nordic, Alelion, Senion, and UMS Skeldar). The companies develop products, which sometimes are referred to as cyber-physical systems, in which mechanical and electronic hardware is combined with software, executing model-based algorithms for control and processing of sensor signals.

Four main application areas — Automotive Systems, Aerial Vehicles, Marine Vessels and Mechanical Manipulators — are studied within LINK-SIC and some of the challenges that are addressed concern sustainability, safety, reliability, autonomy, ease-of-use, and man-machine interaction. The application challenges are addressed using the core competences of the center — Sensor Fusion, Data-Driven Modelling, Learning Methods for Control, Control-Oriented Physical Modelling and Optimization for Control Applications.

Four application areas:

  • Automotive Systems
  • Aerial Vehicles
  • Marine Vessels
  • Mechanical Manipulators

Five core competences

  • Sensor Fusion
  • Data-Driven Modelling
  • Learning Methods for Control
  • Control-Oriented Physical Modelling
  • Optimization for Control Applications


City by night, moving cars, night light and intelligent transport systems

Scholarship and Research Funding for Professor Lars Eriksson

Lars Eriksson, professor in Vehicular Systems at The Deparment of Electrical Engineering, is awarded the Håkan Frisinger Award for Excellence in Transportation Research.

Picture from LINK-SIC Workshop 2022

LINK-SIC Workshop 2022

The annual LINK-SIC workshop took take place in November at Atlas Copco, Nacka and Scania, Södertälje. Here you find posters, presentations and pictures from the event.


LINK-SIC Workshop 2021

The annual LINK-SIC workshop took place 16 November in Linköping. Here you find the program, posters and presentations.

LINK-SIC poster presentation 2021

Here you find the posters and presentations from LINK-SIC:s workshop 2021.

Picture of a map and a ipad in the corridors of Linköping University.

Billion-dollar giant acquires LiU spin-off

It started as a hobby project while working in research at Linköping University. Now the six founders of the Senion company are selling it to the American telecommunications giant Verizon.

Kristoffer Ekberg successfully defended his PhD thesis

Kristoffer Ekberg successfully defended his PhD thesis

Watch the presentation of “Modeling and Optimal Control for Dynamic Driving of Hybridized Vehicles with Turbocharged Diesel Engines”

Research Program

The research program is illustrated by the matrix to the left.

The core competences are strong research areas within the academic partner, and they are crucial for dealing with the industrial challenges described above.

The application areas are tightly connected to the industrial partners. The core competences are essential in all application areas, and hence also for the involved companies.

There are thus excellent opportunities for synergies across both core disciplines and application areas, and between the industrial partners.

Click here to see our publications

Application Areas and Core Competences

Truck and researcher.

Automotive Systems

The application area has the general theme of modeling, control, and supervision of functions in vehicle powertrains. The aim is to develop control systems that can obtain optimal performance, safety, energy utilization and environmental stability.

Aeroplane Gripen.

Aerial Vehicles

The research about manned and unmanned aerial vehicles concerns topics such as robust sensor fusion for navigation, monitoring and control purposes and tools for efficient estimation of models from flight test data.

Marine Vessels

The research within the application area Marine vessels is focused on support and advisory systems for marine automation.

Mechanical manipulators.

Mechanical Manipulators

The application area mechanical manipulators covers different types of kinematic structures such as serial, closed kinematic chain type, and different wire based crane systems.

Computer vision

WASP at Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY)

WASP Computer Vision Laboratory, WASP Sensor fusion, WASP Vehicular Systems and WASP Optimization for Learning and Autonomy are located at the Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY) on Campus Valla in Linköping.

Researchers working on calculation.

Data-Driven Modelling

Some of the challenges with data-driven modelling are to handle dynamics, disturbances, mismatches between system and model, nonlinearities, prior knowledge, missing data, and closed-loop or network configurations.

Researchers working at a computer.

Learning Methods for Control

In this context learning refers to the process of using data to create mathematical descriptions of mechanisms for control and supervision of systems or processes.


Control-Oriented Physical Modelling

This scientific area relates to the cross-scientific discipline of building models of mechanic, electronic, as well as thermo- and fluid-dynamic systems where control inputs and models that have compact physical descriptions are central features.

Optimization for Control Applications.

Optimization for Control Applications

Optimization has become a vital tool for analysis, design and actual control implementations. Increasing demands are put on the computational efficiency of the algorithms, robustness and certifiability, and computational tools.



Recent Highlights

Lars Eriksson, Robin Holmbom, and Max Johansson will arrange the ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport at the IFAC World Congress, Yokohama, Japan, July 2023. ECCV Control Benchmark for sustainable Transport | IFAC 2023 - 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control

Stefanie Zimmermann successfully defended her Licentiate thesis Data-driven Modeling of Robotics Manipulators - Efficiency Aspects.

Fredrik Ljungberg successfully defended his PhD thesis Identification of Nonlinear Marine Systems

LINK-SIC, in collaboration with the organisations Emma, Yvette, and Donna for female engineering students, arranged an inspiration seminar with presentations from industry. The talks were given by Mia Knutfelt, Saab Aeronautics, Charlotte Jalkebo, Scania, and Elina Vartiainen, ABB.

Robin Holmbom successfully defended his PhD Thesis “Modeling and Model-based Control of Automotive Air Paths”.

Svante Gunnarsson and Lars Eriksson represented LINK-SIC at the Scania Innovation Day.

Hamed Haghshenas successfully defended his Licentiate thesis "Time-Optimal Cooperative Path Trackin for Multi-Robot Systems".


Kristoffer Ekberg successfully defended his PhD thesis “Modeling and Optimal Control for Dynamic Driving of Hybridized Vehicles with Turbocharged Diesel Engines

Max Johansson joined LINK-SIC as PhD student.

LINK-SIC, in collaboration with the organisations Emma, Yvette, and Donna for female engineering students, arranged an inspiration seminar with presentations from industry. The talks were given by Marianne Klang, Saab Aeronautics, Johanna Rosth, Scania, and Emma Nyström, Volvo Cars.

Stefanie Zimmermann joined LINK-SIC as PhD student.

Three student projects were carried out during the summer in collaboration with the center partners Senion, Newton Nordic, and Alelion respectively.

Lars Eriksson was awarded the Elsevier Control Engineering Practise Paper Prize at the 2020 IFAC World Congress.

Fredrik Ljungberg successfully defended his Licentiate thesis Estimation of Nonlinear Greybox Models for Marine Applications.

Professor Frank Willems, Eindhoven University of Technology, joined LINK-SIC as Visiting Professor during September - November.


Roger Larsson successfully defended his PhD thesis Flight Test System Identification.

Nils Dressler joined LINK-SIC as PhD student.

Filipe Barbosa joined LINK-SIC as PhD student.

LINK-SIC, in collaboration with the organizations Emma and Yvette for female engineering students, arranged an inspiration seminar with presentations from industry. The talks were by given by Johanna Axehill, Saab Aeronautics, Charlotte Jalkebo, Scania, and Julia Nielsen, ABB.

Robin Holmbom joined LINK-SIC as PhD student.

Clas Veibäck successfully defended his PhD thesis “Tracking the Wanders of Nature”.

Lars Eriksson, together with Kræn Vodder Busk, MAN Energy Solutions, Denmark; Mogens Blanke, Technical University of Denmark; and Morten Vejlgaard-Laursen, Maersk, Denmark, received the Rudolf Kalman Best Paper Award for the article “Control-Oriented Model of Molar Scavenge Oxygen Fraction for Exhaust Recirculation in Large Diesel Engines”.

Dr Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie joined LINK-SIC as postdoc researcher.

