LINK-SIC is a Vinnova Competence Center. The annual budget is 21 MSEK and the funding comes from Vinnova, Linköping University, and the participating companies.


The vision of LINK-SIC is to be the leading research environment for the Swedish system building industry in sensor informatics and control.

The work towards this vision is summarized in the mission.


To contribute to a sustainable society and the competitiveness of Swedish industrial ecosystems by developing cutting edge knowledge and competitive solutions in sensor informatics and control.


Based on the vision and the mission, the strategy of LINK-SIC is summarized in the following components:

  • To contribute to new products and processes via the development and knowledge transfer of high-quality research results and highly qualified educated people on PhD and MSc level.
  • To impact the relevance of the engineering education at Linköping University with up-to-date course content based on recent research updates and industrial and societal needs.
  • To have a positive influence on the gender balance within the education and research connected to the center.
  • To ensure an international perspective through collaboration with a selected set of international partners within industry-oriented research.

Center Director

Svante Gunnarsson

Coordinator, General Information

Sara Strömberg


Gunnar Holmberg, Saab Aeronautics, Chair
Jonas Holmborn, Scania
Johan Nåsell, Atlas Copco Industrial Technique
Nicolette Lakemond, LiU
Shiva Sander-Tavallaey, ABB AB

ISAB (International Scientific Advisory Board)

Jan Swevers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Anna Stefanopoulou, University of Michigan, USA
Tor Arne Johansen, NTNU, Norway
Ines Lopez Arteaga, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Area Coordinators

Automotive Systems: Erik Höckerdal
Aerial Vehicles: Martin Enqvist
Marine Vessels: Martin Enqvist

Research Leaders

Sensor Fusion: Fredrik Gustafsson
Data-driven Modelling: Martin Enqvist
Learning Methods for Control: Svante Gunnarsson
Control-oriented Physical Modelling: Lars Eriksson
Optimization for Control Applications: Johan Löfberg

Senior Scientific Advisor

Lennart Ljung

Industrial Partners

ABB Corporate Research. Contact person: Shiva Sander Tavallaey
• ABB Cranes. Contact person: Jonas Öhr
ABB Robotics. Contact person: Stig Moberg
Atlas Copco Industrial Technique. Contact person: Johan Nåsell
Saab Aeronautics. Contact person: Gunnar Holmberg
Scania. Contact person: Jonas Holmborn
Actia Nordic. Contact person: Christian Sahlén
Alelion. Contact person: Peter Tampere
Senion. Contact person: David Törnqvist
UMS Skeldar. Contact person: Ola Härkegård

Adjunct positions

Zoran Sjanic, Adjunct Associate Professor, Saab Aeronautics
Erik Höckerdal, Adjunct Associate Professor, Scania


Farnaz Adib Yagmaie, Assistant Professor

PhD Students

Max Johansson
Stefanie Zimmermann
Robin Forsling
Du Ho
Filipe Barbosa
Nils Dressler


