21 December 2016

David Bastviken, professor at Environmental Change, part of LiU’s Department of Thematic Studies, has received EUR 2 million through an ERC Consolidator Grant, a funding type that supports excellent research.

David Bastviken Professor Tema M Foto Peter ModinPhoto credit: Peter ModinThe aim of Professor Bastviken’s project is to better quantify and develop models to predict methane emissions from lakes. Methane is an important greenhouse gas, and new research shows that lakes are a major source of methane. By examining how these natural greenhouse gas emissions are controlled, and how sensitive they are to global warming, it will be easier to construct more accurate climate models.

“The funds present a fantastic opportunity to build up a strong research environment around this. Now the emissions in the lakes are going to be examined rigorously, so we can predict future emissions,” says Professor Bastviken.

ERC – the European Research Council – supports researchers in all fields of science who conduct excellent research. David Bastviken will receive EUR 2 million over five years.

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