Candidates for a Postdoc or PhD student position should have a background relevant for the research in the specific team.
To learn more about the research interests of each PI and their groups and to find contact information please follow the links below.
Research areas and Fellows:
- Cell signaling in intestinal inflammation, Stefan Koch
- Structural biology, Eleonore von Castelmur
- Chromatin Mobility and Genome Integrity, Francisca Lottersberger
- Nucleic Acids Technologies, Frank Hernandez
- Quantitative Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy in Dermatology and Wound Healing, Rolf Saager
- Selective Vulnerability to Neurodegenerative Diseases, Walker Jackson
- Genome Regulation during Vertebrate Development, Claudio Cantù
- Understanding the basis of cellular excitability in health and disease, Antonios Pantazis
- Treatment of severe obesity and metabolic disease, Torsten Olbers
General information about PhD and doctoral studies at Linköping University can be found under "More information".