In a small part of my position, I conduct research (in collaboration with Rikard Wärdig). I have a PhD in Medical Cellular Biology with a focus on metabolism and diabetes type 2. My dissertation deals with molecular and cellular mechanisms to understand insulin regulation an signalling at the cellular level.

Anna Persdotter
Associate Professor
I primarily teach in the undergraduate Nursing program, mainly in semesters 2 and 3.
I primarily teach in the undergraduate Nursing program, mainly in semesters 2 and 3. I also examine and supervise students at the bachelor’s level.
In a small part of my position, I conduct research (in collaboration with Rikard Wärdig). I have a PhD in Medical Cellular Biology with a focus on metabolism and diabetes type 2. My dissertation deals with molecular and cellular mechanisms to understand insulin regulation an signalling at the cellular level.
In a small part of my position, I conduct research (in collaboration with Rikard Wärdig). I have a PhD in Medical Cellular Biology with a focus on metabolism and diabetes type 2. My dissertation deals with molecular and cellular mechanisms to understand insulin regulation an signalling at the cellular level.