
Christina Grundström

Associate Professor

How companies renew themselves to retain their competitive advantage is the focus of both my research and my teaching. My research focuses on established firms up to about 1000 employees. My teaching has its emphasis on brand management.

Innovation, SMEs and brands

Innovation as competitive advantage has always in one way or the other been the focus of my research. With time the focus has become companies with 10-1000 emloyees and brands have also come into the picture. I give courses in brand management.

Short Facts

Academic Merits

  • Master of Science Applied Physics and Electronics, LiU 1988
  • PhD 2004

Awards and Accolades

  • Outstanding Reviewer for the STR Division, the AOM conference, Augusti 2020
  • Best reviewer, Academy of Management (AOM), TIM Division, August 2013  
  • Outstanding reviewer, AOM BPS Division, August 2013
  • ISPIM Scientific Panel Award, June 2012


  • Member of the Programme Planning Group for the Graphic Design and Communication programme.
  • IL-board, alternate 2021-2023 

Social Media



I oversee courses or sections in brand management at basic to PhD-level. I also give lectures on innovation, methodology and internationalisation (basic). I tutor at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD level.

  • TEAE15 Brands and value creation
  • TEAE16 Market Awareness in International Cross-media Design and Production
  • TEIE84 Industrial economics, continued course
  • TEIM32 Industrial marketing
  • TNGD23 Scientific method
  • Supervisor and examiner for theses within the Industrial economics and Graphic Design and Communication programmes.


Based on the finished project Companies for the Future, I do research on how growth can be achieved in small and medium-sized companies, what lies behind this growth and how effective various growth-supporting measures are for such firms.

Together with colleagues, I carry out research on what makes a specific group of small large firms successful.

In another collaboration, I try to understand how different stakeholders and external events affect a firm’s brand communication.

AI generated picture of a city in aquarelle style

Centre for Business Model Innovation

The centre for business model innovation (CBMI) takes a starting point in the role of businesses in society, and the way in which business models are changed and renewed over time in order to adapt to societal and business changes.
