
David Gundlegård

Associate Professor



David Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren, Malin Andersson, Joakim Ahlberg, Marian Codreanu, Joachim Johansson, Anders Sjöholm, Nikolaos Tsanakas, Guang Wei, Susanna Sjöstrand (2024) Continuous travel demand and link flow estimation based on GPS data (CODE PROBE): Final report
Nicolas Brusselaers, Anna Fredriksson, David Gundlegård, R. Zernis (2024) Decision support for improved construction traffic management and planning Sustainable cities and society, Vol. 104, Article 105305 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Danielsson, David Gundlegård, Clas Rydergren (2024) Analysis of Route Sets and Attributes in Route Choice Estimation for Urban Traffic Management Using GPS Data Proceedings of the 103rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Conference paper)
Matej Cebecauer, Erik Jenelius, David Gundlegård, Wilco Burghout (2024) Revealing representative day-types in transport networks using traffic data clustering Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems / Taylor & Francis, Vol. 28, p. 695-718 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Matej Cebecauer, David Gundlegård, Erik Jenelius, Wilco Burghout (2023) Spatio-Temporal Public Transport Mode Share Estimation and Analysis Using Mobile Network and Smart Card Data 2023 IEEE 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, ITSC, p. 2543-2548 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI

