
Karin Eliasson


In my research I investigate how Swedish actors make sense of global environmental change and resource flows in relation to the UN 2030 Agenda and geopolitics, and how visualisations can facilitate these sense making activities.

Making sense of Sweden’s role in the 2030 Agenda in the light of global change

The Swedish government has expressed the ambition to be a global leader in working towards sustainability and achieving the UN 2030 Agenda. At the same time Sweden has a relatively high ecological footprint and unsustainable consumption patterns.

My PhD dissertation is part of the research programme Mistra Geopolitics that aims to critically examine the dynamics of geopolitics, human security and environmental change. Sweden is integrated in complex systems where resources and goods flow across the globe. We could thereby be influenced by geopolitical and environmental change happening at locations outside of Sweden at the same time as we are causing environmental impacts globally. Besides this, Sweden has taken on a prominent role in the UN 2030 Agenda that calls for radical societal transformations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for all. What opportunities and challenges does this entail for Swedish actors? What roles, responsibilities and agency do Swedish actors possess?

Visualisation supported focus groups

To investigate how Swedish actors from government agencies, non-governmental organisations, business and academia makes sense of these issues I work with focus groups. To support and facilitate the focus group discussions, we have developed interactive visualisation tools where for example crop trade and mineral and metal reserves, such as phosphorus, can be examined. Sustainable food production and consumption and phosphorus use are key themes in my research.



Ida Grundel, Karin Eliasson, Tina-Simone Neset (2024) ELABORATOR co-creation playbook: Deliverable 2.3


Karin Eliasson (2023) Transformations towards Sustainable Food Systems: Pathways, Governance, and Actors in a Swedish and European Union Context
Karin Eliasson, Christopher D. West, Simon A. Croft, Jonathan M.H. Green (2023) A spatially explicit approach to assessing commodity-driven fertilizer use and its impact on biodiversity Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 382, Article 135195 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Karin Eliasson, Lotten Wiréhn, Tina-Simone Neset, Björn-Ola Linnér (2022) Transformations towards sustainable food systems: contrasting Swedish practitioner perspectives with the European Commission's Farm to Fork Strategy Sustainability Science, Vol. 17, p. 2411-2425 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Victoria Wibeck, Karin Eliasson, Tina-Simone Schmid Neset (2022) Co-creation research for transformative times: Facilitating foresight capacity in view of global sustainability challenges Environmental Science and Policy, Vol. 128, p. 290-298 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Research projects and environments
