
Isabel García Velázquez

PhD student

I have a keen interest in autism and artificial intelligence-based technologies in care settings. Specifically, how autism is understood today by roboticists and how those ideas are presented in social robots.

Social Robots and Autism 

Robotic research and imaginaries of autism often centre around the potential of robot therapies for transforming or healing the person with autism or the preference of those “on the spectrum” for mechanical and predictable things over other persons. This approach, as it is used in the design of assistive technologies and artificial intelligence systems in Euro-American research, reinscribes Enlightenment structures that lead to classify certain behaviours as autistic or social deficits while other similar expressions enjoy rational status as socially accepted.

Research project

What does it mean to be labelled as autistic? What does a social robot need to have for being used in autism? How and when does the socially interactive performance of the robot comes into existence? And, how do human-robot interactions-based interventions for ASD inform the development of the socially assistive robotics field? Drawing upon ethnographic methods, my research finds shelter at the juncture of inter- and transdisciplinary approaches where feminist and decolonial studies constitute the dwellings that inform my writing.

Reach out

If you have similar research interests on autism and social robots, like to collaborate, or simply would like to know more about my research project, feel free to contact me at

A person is sitting in front of a robot and reading a screen.


WASP-HS. Community Reference Meeting: Healthcare. Report. May 2021
García Velázquez, Isabel. (2021). "Artificial Identity Cataracts Who defines the current AI discourse?" on A New AI Lexicon. AI Now Institute.
García Velázquez, Isabel. (2021). "When Sustainability Met AI". WASP-HS
García Velázquez, Isabel. (2021). "Multidisciplinarity is at the core". WASP-HS
García Velázquez, Isabel. (2021) "If bodies could talk, what would they say?" p. 16 on Anthropology of Technology Conference Program
García Velázquez, Isabel. (2022) "The Invisible Sojourner: A Journey of Gender Recollections and Reflections" on Book of Abstracts 11th European Feminist Research Conference


Isabel García Velázquez (2023) The Making of Gendered Bodies in Human-Robot Interactions International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol. 15, p. 1891-1901 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Tobiaz Paulsson, Mengyu Zhong, Isabel García Velázquez, Ginevra Castellano (2023) Exploring Mothers Perspectives on Socially Assistive Robots in Peripartum Depression Screening COMPANION OF THE ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION, HRI 2023, p. 486-490 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


