The vision of WASP-HS (Humanities and Society) is to realise excellent research and develop competence on the consequences and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems for humanities and society.
The WASP-HS programme is planned to run 2019-2028 and forms an independent and parallel programme to WASP, while maintaining a close dialogue with the WASP programme. The Wallenberg Foundations are investing up to SEK 660 million in the WASP-HS research program. Umeå University is the host of the programme.
WASP-HS includes an extensive national graduate school with up to 70 doctoral students, the creation of least ten new research groups across Sweden, support for twelve visiting professors to strengthen Swedish research and networking activities, and a number of research projects.
A call for grants related to the consequences of autonomous systems, software and AI was issued in the spring of 2019. This call resulted in 16 funded projects focusing on ethical, societal and behavioural aspects of AI and autonomous systems. These 16 projects are distributed across nine Swedish universities and institutions. Read more on this page:
The two LiU projects are:
- Ethics and consequences of AI and caring robots
- The Emergence of Complex Intelligent Systems and The Future of Management
For more information about the entire WASP at LiU, go up one level in the menu to WASP - Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program. You will also find a contact list of all WASP researchers at LiU divided by department there.