My research explores questions of work, technology and the right to care in a changing welfare state. My PhD thesis focuses on the development and implementation of welfare technology for elder care. I am interested in how welfare technology becomes connected to concerns about elder care provision and particular ideals of care in sociotechnical imaginaries. I have studied the development and implementation of welfare technology in two contexts: using qualitative, semi-structured interviews with municipal decision-makers and through an ethnographic study of the development of a conversation partner robot in robotics research. I ask which imaginaries inform the decision-making around welfare technology, how they are materialized, and what it says about the relationship between imaginaries and the organizations and technologies they involve. In addition, I ask how ideals and practices of care and care work are renegotiated through the development and implementation of welfare technology.

Maria Arnelid
PhD student
What kind of care should welfare technology provide? I am interested in how care as concept and practice, and imaginaries, take shape in the development and implementation of welfare technology for elder care.
Welfare technology for elder care