Photo of Jörgen Stenlund

Jörgen Stenlund

Visiting Assistant Lecturer


In my research, I have focused on visual learning and communication in sciences education. In the most recent project I participated in “Challenging Threshold Concepts in Life Science ”, the possibilities to enhance understanding of threshold concepts through visualizations in an evolutionary context was investigated.

I am currently a PhD student doing research on visualizations in teaching and learning science. In my PhD-project I have a particular interest in visualization of time scales, a topic not only relevant in biology education but also for example, in contemporary environmental issues. I am affiliated to the group visual learning and communication at Linköping University .

As a teacher educator, I have taught many categories of students from preschool teachers  to  upper secondary teachers with a focus on didactics in natural sciences.



Andreas C. Göransson, Jörgen Stenlund (2024) Att undervisa utifrån tröskelbegrepp Biologididaktik för lärare: Exempel från forskning och skolpraktik, p. 50-65 (Chapter in book)
Jörgen Stenlund, Lena Tibell, Konrad Schönborn (2024) 'Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth' - Students affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts Journal of Biological Education, Vol. 58, p. 915-936 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Jörgen Stenlund (2023) Visualizing the abyss of time: Students' interpretation of visualized deep evolutionary time


Jörgen I. Stenlund, Konrad Schönborn, Gunnar Höst (2022) Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis) Evolution: Education and Outreach, Vol. 15, Article 12 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Veronica Johansson, Jörgen Stenlund (2022) Making time/breaking time: critical literacy and politics of time in data visualisation Journal of Documentation, Vol. 78, p. 60-82 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

