
Julia Wallmann

PhD student

My research interest relates to language difficulties in school-age children. In the first part of my PhD-project I explore how the school situation is described by students with developmental language disorder and by key stakeholders around them.


Via the link below, you can read more about the research group I belong to and the research that is conducted by us.

As a doctoral student at Linköping University, I am supervised by:

Students raise their hand when a teacher holds a lesson.

Educational Equality for Children with Developmental Language Disorder. A Study of Goal Attainment, Experience and Participation

The project aims to generate knowledge that can be used to improve the organization of learning activities for children with developmental language disorder (DLD), as well as to improve the experience of school attendance among these children.



Anna Ekström, Olof Sandgren, Christina Samuelsson, Birgitta Sahlén, Julia Wallmann (2023) Likvärdig utbildning för barn med språkstörning: en studie av måluppfyllelse, erfarenheter och deltagande Resultatdialog 2023, p. 32-37 (Chapter in book)


Stefan Gustafson, Christina Samuelsson, Ellinor Johansson, Julia Wallmann (2013) How Simple is the Simple View of Reading? Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 57, p. 292-308 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
