Photo of Karin Rådholm

Karin Rådholm

Senior Associate Professor

I am interested in type 2 diabetes and prevention of diabetes complications. My main research focus is type 2 diabetes, metabolic disease and cardiovascular diabetes complications, as well as cardiovascular health factors and behaviors.


About me


  • 2024 Research grant, the Swedish Medical Society for the DIATEST HELP ‘dietomics’ substudy.
  • 2023 Research grant, the Swedish Research Council for the DigiIAl diabeTES Treatment  – the Healthy Eating, healthy Patients trial (DIATEST HELP).
  • 2023 – 2024 Research grant, the Swedish Diabetes Association for the DigiIAl diabeTES Treatment – the Healthy Eating, healthy Patients trial (DIATEST HELP).
  • 2022-2024 Honorary Senior Research Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney
  • 2022 Senior Associate Professor in general practice
  • 2022 Research grant, the Swedish Diabetes Association for the pilot study in preparation of the DigiIAl diabeTES Treatment – the Healthy Eating, healthy Patients trial (DIATEST HELP).
  • 2021 Research grant, the Swedish Medical Society: for the EPSONiP (Evaluating the Prevalence and Severity Of NAFLD in Primary Care) study.
  • 2020 Associate Professor ‘Docent’ in general practice
  • 2018 – 2022 Honorary Post-Doctoral Fellow, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney
  • 2017-2018 Post-doc at The George Institute for Global Health in Sydney, 16 months
  • 2017 Scholarship recipient: Fellowship in Memorial of Jeanette Bonnier, Rolf Luft Foundation of Diabetes Research.
  • 2016 Scholarship recipient: Swedish Medical Association, travel scholarship for post-doc abroad
  • 2015 PhD in general practice
  • 2014 'Pre-doc' at The George Institute for Global Health in Sydney, 2 months
  • 2014 Scholarship recipient: Swedish Medical Association's travel scholarship
  • 2011 Specialist doctor in general practice
  • 2004 Licenced medical doctor
  • 2003 Medical doctor


  • Medical faculty, lecturer
  • Medical faculty, master theses students
  • Medical faculty, clinical supervision of medical students
  • Research training, Examiner for the Regional course in Research Methodology for the Swedish south-east hospital region, FORSS
  • Postgraduate education, course management for the National Research School in General Practice
  • Research training, supervision of PhD candidates



Lana Hebib, Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Daniel Berglind, Bledar Daka, Patrik Wennberg, Emil Hagstrom, Cecilia Lenander, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Carl Johan Östgren, Karin Rådholm, Pontus Henriksson (2024) Life's Essential 8 is inversely associated with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, Article 15024 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Robin Oberg, Cecilia Lenander, Patrik Wennberg, Josefin Wangdahl, Daniel Berglind, Bledar Daka, Carl Johan Östgren, Karin Rådholm, Pontus Henriksson (2024) Associations of psychological factors with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular health in middle-age: the population-based Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage study (SCAPIS) BMC Public Health, Vol. 24, Article 1455 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peder af Geijerstam, Karin Rådholm, Lena Jonasson, Tomas Lindahl, Jan Engvall, Fredrik H. Nyström, Joakim Alfredsson (2024) P-selectin and C-reactive protein in relation to home blood pressure and coronary calcification: a SCAPIS substudy Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 42, p. 1226-1234 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ángel Herraiz-Adillo, Viktor H. Ahlqvist, Sara Higueras-Fresnillo, Kristofer Hedman, Emil Hagstrom, Melony Fortuin- de Smidt, Bledar Daka, Cecilia Lenander, Daniel Berglind, Carl Johan Östgren, Karin Rådholm, Francisco B. Ortega, Pontus Henriksson (2024) Physical fitness in male adolescents and atherosclerosis in middle age: a population-based cohort study British Journal of Sports Medicine (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Peder af Geijerstam, Karin Rådholm, Fredrik Nyström (2024) Liten mängd lakrits ökar hemblodtrycket Vaskulär Medicin, Vol. 40, p. -24 (Article in journal)

