Photo of Lisa Kastbom

Lisa Kastbom

Associate Professor

I am a practicing medical doctor (general practitioner; GP) and senior lecturer at the Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences (HMV).


I defended my thesis "A good death from the perspective of patients with severe illness and advance care planning (ACP) in patients near end-of-life" in 2021. My postdoc research has broadened and focuses mainly on older people’s health, cancer and palliative medicine, but also cardiovascular disease, alcohol related disease and Primary Care Behavioral Health, (PCBH). Teaching medical students and physicians, and supervising PhD-students are parts of my daily work.

Within the neuro-oncological field, I am part of a research group studying treatment with tumour treating fields (TTFields) for patients with glioblastoma (GBM), regarding experiences of those involved in the treatment, namely: patients, next of kin, physicians and staff from the private company providing the device in Sweden. Since 2023, I am the principal investigator of the Swedish national Swedish research project BRAVE – Brain Tumor Related Aggression and Violence Exposure, aiming to improve detection and support of next of kin who are exposed to violence caused by personality changes in brain tumor patients. A subsequent aim is to develop and evaluate an intervention.


My doctoral thesis


Lisa Kastbom, Maria Johansson, Annette M. Sverker, Anna Segernäs Kvitting (2024) Thanks for hearing me: key elements of primary care according to older patients Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Annaclara Ariander, Anna Olaison, Christer Andersson, Rune Sjödahl, Lena Nilsson, Lisa Kastbom (2024) Ethical challenges causing moral distress: nursing home staff's experiences of working during the COVID-19 pandemic Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Åsa Sax, Magnus Nord, Elisabet Cedersund, Anna Olaison, Annette Sverker, Lisa Kastbom (2023) Trustful conversations: a qualitative interview study on older patients experiences of the intervention Proactive healthcare in a Swedish primary care setting Primary Health Care Research and Development, Vol. 24, Article e53 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Lena Nilsson, Christer A Andersson, Lisa Kastbom, Rune Sjödahl (2022) Association between vaccination and preventive routines on COVID-19-related mortality in nursing home facilities: a population-based systematic retrospective chart review Primary Health Care Research and Development, Vol. 23, Article e75 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Lisa Kastbom, Magnus Falk, Marit Karlsson, Anders Tengblad, Anna Milberg (2022) Prevalence, content and significance of advance care planning in nursing home patients Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, Vol. 40, p. 29-38 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
