Photo of Malin Wieslander

Malin Wieslander

Associate Professor, Docent


 Research interests:

  • Police culture
  • Professional identity
  • Humour
  • Sexual harassment in the police
  • Gender equality and diversity in the police
  • Police ethics and research ethics
  • Corruption
  • Whistleblowing and organizational silence
  • Critical studies, resistance studies

My research interest concern professional ethics and professional identity within the police, and how gendered norms and values influence police education, occupational culture, and police officers’ working conditions.

My research focuses on how social interaction shape norms and values within the police. As such, I have analysed the significance of police occupational humour for re-creating and challenging organizational policies and official discourses. My latest research concerns collegial relations and organizational silence within the police. Currently, I work together with Silje Lundgren (TEMA) in three research projects about sexual harassment within the Swedish Police Force.

During 2016, I was a researcher at Gothenburg University in the program ”Policing Ethnicity in a Diversified Sweden”, financed by the Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research. I analysed diversity work within the police and police education, and how intersecting social categories are reproduced among police trainees. During 2016 I also conducted an inquiry for a police district, concerning employees’ possibilities to speak out. I held my PhD in Pedagogical Work at Karlstad University, 2014, with a Swedish thesis on diversity discourses in the Swedish police educational context.



Malin Wieslander, Silje Lundgren (2024) Disclaimers for the Non-Reporting of Sexual Harassment within the Swedish Police Police Quarterly (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Silje Lundgren, Malin Wieslander (2024) Holding the harasser responsible: Implications of identifying sexual harassment that includes abuse of power and quid pro quo elements as sexual corruption Gender, Work and Organization (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lars Wallner, Anja Rydén Gramner, Malin Wieslander, Henrik Lindqvist, Åsa Larsson, Emilia Åkesson, Katarina Eriksson Barajas (2024) Students' Constructions of Professional Judgement in Teacher Education, Medical Education and Police Education Högre Utbildning, Vol. 14, p. 49-63 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Silje Lundgren, Malin Wieslander (2024) How the duty to report prevents reporting and reinforces silence around sexual harassment within the police Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, Vol. 18 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Malin Wieslander, Håkan Löfgren (2023) Turning points as a tool in narrative research Narrative Inquiry (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


