
Maria Arvidsson

Associate Professor


Education in change

My research focuses on children's right to education, as well as their obligation to receive it, from both a historical and contemporary perspective. The concepts of compulsory schooling, school attendance, and school absence define my research area. What compulsory schooling entails has changed over time, as have the conditions for how education and teaching may be delivered.

My current research explores how the right to education can be ensured for students who, for various reasons, are unable to physically attend school. One method tested with students experiencing problematic school absenteeism—absences that may jeopardize their ability to meet academic standards—is the use of an AV1-robot. The idea is that digital participation through the AV1- robot will support the student’s journey back to school. One key question is how teachers design their instruction when an AV1 robot is in the classroom and a student participates digitally. I also investigate students’ experiences of joining classroom instruction through the AV1-robot and how this might either foster a connection with or alienation from the school’s physical environment


Since the early 2010s, I have been actively teaching educational science courses within the Primary Teacher Program. My teaching focuses on issues related to democracy, human rights, and sustainable development. I also supervise degree projects in the Preschool Teacher Program, the Primary Teacher Program, the Special Education Program, and the Master’s Program in Educational Work with a focus on early childhood learning.



Maria Arvidsson (2022) Att delta utan att närvara: Skolplikt i förändring Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol. 31, p. 51-74 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Maria Arvidsson, Viktor Vesterberg (2020) En ojämlik skolplikt?: Problematisering av skolfrånvaro i en decentraliserad skola Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol. 29, p. 7-24 (Article in journal)


Maria Arvidsson, Malin Johansson, Sofia Norberg (2012) "Man vill ju gå sin utbildning så att man blir någonting": hur fungerar arbetet mot skolfrånvaro i Norrköpings kommun?: Intervjuer med rektorer, elevhälsoteam, lärare och ungdomar


Maria Arvidsson (2010) Rätt packad: Visuella & verbala strategier för att vinna Fru Konsuments tillit Burkar, påsar och paket: Förpackningarnas historia i vardagens konsumtionskulturer (Chapter in book)


Maria Arvidsson (2004) När hälsan blev smal: Bantning i svensk 1900-tals reklam Reklam och hälsa: Levandsideal, skönhet och hälsa i den svenska reklamens historia, p. 102-128 (Chapter in book)
