Photo of Maria Arvidsson

Maria Arvidsson

Associate Professor



I am a Senior Lecturer in Society and Culture in School. In 2002 I received my PhD at the Department of Health & Society at the University of Linköping. on the thesis “When the work became dangerous. Occupational safety and medical thinking 1884-1919”. I have a master’s degree in history and geography from the University of Linköping.

Research experience

A historical perspective on migration between rural and urban areas, and cities incorporation of the surrounding suburbs.
Medicine Historical research on Occupational Health during 1700- and 1800-centuries.
Media and consumer research, focus at media’s rhetoric of body image during the 2000 century and food packages as the media for visual culture.
Education policy. A recently initiated project about absenteeism and attendance in elementary school.

Teaching experience

I am course coordinator for the subject Society & Culture at the teacher training programme since 2009, a role in which I also am the head examinator for all thesis of the subject. I am a member of the Council for Educational Science (UK) and Civics (SO) since 2011. I am course coordinator for Educational history, the school's role in society and the school's value (UK 4), Civics 1 (Linkoping and Norrkoping). I have been teaching at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV) since 2004. My focus classes have been the Teacher Training Programs of 2001 and 2011 and at the Social and Culture analysis (SKA) program.




Maria Arvidsson (2022) Att delta utan att närvara: Skolplikt i förändring Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol. 31, p. 51-74 Continue to DOI


Maria Arvidsson, Viktor Vesterberg (2020) En ojämlik skolplikt?: Problematisering av skolfrånvaro i en decentraliserad skola Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol. 29, p. 7-24


Maria Arvidsson, Malin Johansson, Sofia Norberg (2012) "Man vill ju gå sin utbildning så att man blir någonting": hur fungerar arbetet mot skolfrånvaro i Norrköpings kommun?: Intervjuer med rektorer, elevhälsoteam, lärare och ungdomar


Maria Arvidsson (2010) Rätt packad: Visuella & verbala strategier för att vinna Fru Konsuments tillit Burkar, påsar och paket: Förpackningarnas historia i vardagens konsumtionskulturer


Maria Arvidsson (2004) När hälsan blev smal: Bantning i svensk 1900-tals reklam Reklam och hälsa: Levandsideal, skönhet och hälsa i den svenska reklamens historia, p. 102-128
