
Martin Klinthäll

Associate Professor, Head of Division, Docent

Head of division and Head of Centre for Municipality Studies (CKS).
Former Head of division, REMESO.

Economics, Migration and Demography

Martin Klinthäll analyzes big data to seek answers to questions about integration and entry to the labour market and how integration and health are related. 

Martin is associate professor of economic history, and his main research interests lie in the area of migration and labor market integration. He has published articles on labor and temporary migration; exile and repatriation; migration, labor and health; income distribution and structural change of the labor market; the importance of networks in the labor market for young adults of migrant backgrounds; labor market and self-employment among migrants; self-employment in old age; and return migration in old age. Currently, he leads an interdisciplinary research project on entrepreneurship among people with migrant backgrounds. Martin Klinthäll is Head of Division at the division for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden.

Ongoing projects

  • Competence and Contacts. The Relevance of Different Types of Social Relations for Establishment in the Labour Market for Young Persons of Immigrant Backgrounds.
  • Migration, Integration and Health. The Effects of Early Life Conditions on Health and Mortality in Later Life.
  • Self-Employment in Later Life.
  • Structural Change and Household Income Patterns in Taiwan in the Period 1976-2005.

Research areas



Martin Klinthäll (2022) Hållbart mottagande: Kommunernas bostadspolitik och integrationen Kommunerna och hållbar utveckling: Demokrati, välfärd och lokal utveckling, p. 85-97 (Chapter in book)


Martin Klinthäll (Editorship) (2020) Verksamhetsberättelse 2019: Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier


Elisabeth Sundin, Carin Holmquist, Martin Klinthäll (2019) Entrepreneurial dynamics in the third age - a study of trajectories for start-ups by entrepreneurs aged 55 and 60. Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Aging, p. 143-168 (Chapter in book)
Aliaksei Kazlou, Martin Klinthäll (2019) Entrepreneurial response to changing opportunity structures: Self-selection and incomes among new immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 25, p. 859-879 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Martin Klinthäll (2018) Verksamhetsberättelse 2017: Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier CKS


Martin Klinthäll, Elisabeth Sundin (2017) The Older as Entrepreneurs: A Diversified Group: Illustrated Through Entrepreneurship in Technical Consultancy and Artistic and Literary Work Ageing, Organizations and Management: Constructive Discourses and Critical Perspectives, p. 277-300 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI


Martin Klinthäll, Craig Mitchell, Tobias Schölin, Zoran Slavnic, Susanne Urban (2016) Invandring och företagande
Martin Klinthäll, Susanne Urban (2016) The strength of ethnic ties: Routes into the labour market in spaces of segregation Urban Studies, Vol. 53, p. 3-16 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI