
Mikael Ottosson

Senior Associate Professor

Affärsutveckling i industriföretag kopplat till marknadserbjudandet, hållbarhet och företagsstrategi.

Business development in industrial companies linked to the market offer, sustainability and corporate strategy.

My main research is in the field of industrial marketing linked to how industrial companies can develop their market strategies and market offer. More specifically, I have experience in research projects with companies and stakeholders from, for example, the forest industry, the steel industry, the energy industry, the biogas sector and the agricultural sector. I have also done a lot of research on how companies handle increased demands on sustainability. Furthermore, I have also researched on sustainable consumption.

I have published in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and Journal of Industrial Ecology. I have received research funding from Riksbanken's anniversary fund, Vinnova, and the Swedish Energy Agency.

I was Head of the Division for Business administration between 2017-2019. Today, I am Head of the Unit for Strategy and marketing.



