
Peo Hansen


European integration, migration and citizenship

Peo Hansen´s research interest lies in the contemporary as well as historical development of European integration. He has written extensively on the questions of migration, citizenship and identity as these relate to the current project and political economy of European integration. He has also explored the significance of colonialism and decolonization for the historical development of European integration and the current politics of European identity. 

EuroafricaPeo Hansen is Professor of Political Science at REMESO, Linköping University, Sweden. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science at Umeå University in 2000. He was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship as a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Study of Europe at Columbia University, in 2002-03, and a Senior Fellowship at the Remarque Institute at New York University, during the spring semester of 2006.

In 2011 he received, with Stefan Jonsson, a 3-year research grant from the Swedish Research Council to study the links between colonialism/decolonization and the EU project, past and present. The title of the project is: ”Building Eurafrica: Reviving Colonialism through European Integration, 1920-1960”.

Listen to EURO-VISION's interview with Stefan Jonsson and Peo Hansen about Eurafrica.


Peo teaches Political Science, EU-Studies, International Relations, Discourse Analysis, International Migration and Ethnic Studies. He is the Director of The REMESO Graduate School and engaged also as PhD advisor and in the new master programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies as well as on several other programmes and courses.



Peo Hansen (2024) "En 'Modern MigrationsTeori': Varför flyktinginvandringen inte är en statsfinansiell börda och hur modern penningteori hjälper oss att förstå det" Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, Vol. 126, p. 757-775 (Article in journal)
Peo Hansen (2024) "Die MMT als Katalysator für eine moderne Migrationstheorie" Makroskop: Das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik (Article in journal)
Peo Hansen, Stefan Jonsson (2024) L'Union européenne fut aussi un projet colonial Contretemps, Vol. 26 juin (Article in journal)

