
Per Persson

Professor, Head of Unit

Exploring and tailoring materials, atom by atom

A materials scientist at heart, I apply state of the art in situ microscopy for acquisition of elemental and chemical information at the atomic scale. With these tools, I explore the physical and chemical organization in low dimensional structures of solid materials, employing a combined experimental and theoretical approach.

I am the leading electron microscopist at LiU, administering a >100 MSEK investment in research infrastructure serving >100 direct users. For the past decade, I have worked hard to promote LiU to one of the more advanced microscopy environments in Europe. As a consequence, I am nationally recognized as Special Researcher (VR) and Infrastructure Research Fellow (SSF). Further I have organized the procurement for one of the most advanced electron microscopes in northern Europe and outlined the specifications for Ångströmhuset, a dedicated future proof microscopy environment.

My international network is substantial through years abroad in multiple research environments.


About me

Current position

  • 2016 Professor

Academic history

  • 1998-2001 PhD student, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • 2002-2003 Postdoctoral fellow, Frederik Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, USA.
  • 2004 Research Associate, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • 2005-2006 Research Scientist, Nanoport, FEI Company (formerly Philips Electron Optics), Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
  • 2006-2007 Scholar, School of Physics/ Electron Microscopy Unit, University of Sydney, Australia.
  • 2008-2009 Assistant Professor, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • 2010-2015 Senior lecturer, Linköping University, Sweden.
  • 2015 Associate Professor, Linköping University, Sweden.

Commissions of trust

  • German Research Council (DFG), Research Centre review panel 2020
  • German Research Council (DFG), Infrastructure review panel 2019
  • Swedish Research Council, Review panel Materials science 2017-19
  • Swedish Research Council, Review panel International Post Doc 2017-18
  • Board member SCANDEM, Nordic microscopy society 2010-
  • Panel member equal opportunities at LiU, 2015-
    • Multiple assignments as committee member, reviewer (including high impact journals like Advanced Materials, see my Publons profile), session & symposium organizer + chair and examiner.


Electron microscopy, graduate level (2007-)

Notable appointments

• VR Special Researcher 2008-2014
• SSF Infrastructure Fellow 2015-2020
• Swedish research council, (VR), Special Researcher
• Foundation for Strategic Research, (SSF), Infrastructure Fellow
• Advanced Functional Materials, (AFM), Principal Investigator




Lego model of an electron microscope

Next-gen electron microscope procured for LiU

Two years after the original grant, the procurement of the next generation advanced scanning transmission electron microscope, has finally concluded.

Person (Jie Zhou) point at a computer screen.

A new world of 2D material is opening up

Materials that are incredibly thin exhibit unique properties that make them appealing for energy storage, catalysis and water purification. LiU-researchers have developed a method that enables the synthesis of hundreds of new 2D materials.


Major investment in new equipment for materials research

The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability, WISE, donates SEK 44 million to Linköping University for new scientific equipment that will contribute to cutting-edge materials research.


Selected publications

  • INVITED REVIEW Current state of the art on tailoring the MXene composition, structure, and surface chemistry P.O.Å. Persson and J. Rosen
    Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 23 100774 (2019)
  • INVITED PAPER How much oxygen can a MXene surface take before it breaks?
    I. Persson, J. Halim, J. Palisaitis, M. Barsoum, V. Darakchieva, J Wagner, J. Rosen, P.O.Å. Persson
    Adv. Funct. Mat. 1909005 (2020)
  • 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes) for carbon capture
    I. Persson, J. Halim, H. Lind, T.W. Hansen, J.B. Wagner, L.-Å. Näslund, V. Darakchieva, J. Palisaitis, J. Rosen and P.O.Å. Persson
    Advanced Materials 805472 (2018)
  • The Organization and Thermal Behavior of Surface Functional Groups on Ti3C2 MXene
    I. Persson, L.-Å. Näslund, J. Halim, M. Barsoum, J. Palisaitis, V. Darakchieva, J. Rosen, P.O.Å. Persson
    2D Materials 5 015002 (2017)
  • Atomically resolved structural and chemical investigation of single MXene sheets
    L.H. Karlsson, J. Halim, M.W. Barsoum, and P.O.Å. Persson
    Nano Letters 15, 4955 (2015)
  • On the Structural Stability of MXene and the role of Transition Metal Adatoms
    J. Palisaitis, I. Persson, J. Rosen and P.O.Å. Persson
    Nanoscale 10, 10850-10855 (2018)
  • Tailoring structure, composition and energy storage properties of MXenes from selective etching of in-plane, chemically ordered MAX phases
    I. Persson,, A. el Ghazaly, Q. Tao, J. Halim, S. Kota, V. Darakchieva, J. Palisaitis, M. Barsoum, P.O.Å. Persson, J. Rosen,
    Small 4, 1703676 (2018)
  • Two-dimensional Mo1.33C (MXene) with designed divacancy ordering prepared from parent 3-D (Mo2/3Sc1/3)2AlC (MAX phase) with in-plane chemical ordering
    Q. Tao, M. Dahlqvist, J. Lu, S. Kota, R. Meshkian, J. Halim, J. Palisaitis, L. Hultman, M. W. Barsoum, P. O. Å. Persson, J. Rosen
    Nature Comm. 8, 14949 (2017).
  • W-based atomic laminates and their two-dimensional derivative W1.33C MXene with vacancy ordering
    R. Meshkian, M. Dahlqvist, J. Lu, B. Wickman, J. Halim, J. Thörnberg, Q. Tao, S. Li, S. Intikhab, J. Snyder, M. W. Barsoum, J. Palisaitis, L. Hultman, P.O.Å. Persson, J. Rosen
    Advanced Materials 30, 1706409 (2018)
  • On the structural stability of MXenes and the role of transition metal adatoms
    J. Palisaitis, I. Persson, J. Halim, J. Rosen and P.O.Å. Persson
    Nanoscale 10, 10850-10855 (2018)

Publications in chronological order


Samira Dorri, Olle Nyqvist, Justinas Palisaitis, Alexei Vorobiev, Anton Devishvili, Pär Sandström, Per Persson, Naureen Ghafoor, Fredrik Eriksson, Jens Birch (2025) Artificial superlattices with abrupt interfaces by monolayer-controlled growth kinetics during magnetron sputter epitaxy, case of hexagonal CrB2/TiB2 heterostructures Materials & design, Vol. 251, Article 113661 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Clio Azina, Justinas Palisaitis, Dimitri Bogdanovski, Tim Bartsch, Rajib Sahu, Christina Scheu, Per O A Persson, Per Eklund, Jochen M. Schneider (2025) Formation of 3D Cr2C through solid state reaction-mediated Al extraction within Cr2AlC/Cu thin films Nanoscale (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elham Loni, Ahmad Majed, Shengjie Zhang, Hari Hara Sudhan Thangavelu, Chaochao Dun, Anika Tabassum, Karamullah Eisawi, Jeffrey J. Urban, Per O A Persson, Matthew M. Montemore, Michael Naguib (2025) Two-Dimensional Tantalum Carbo-Selenide for Hydrogen Evolution ACS Nano (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
E. B. Thorsteinsson, Martin Dahlqvist, Anna Elsukova, Andrejs Petruhins, Per O A Persson, Johanna Rosén, A. S. Ingason, F. Magnus (2025) Growth and magnetic properties of epitaxial thin films of the i-MAX phase (Mn2/3Sc1/3)2GaC Vacuum, Vol. 233, Article 113856 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Samira Dorri, Justinas Palisaitis, Szilárd Kolozsvári, Peter Polcik, Per Persson, Naureen Ghafoor, Fredrik Eriksson, Jens Birch (2024) TiB1.8 single layers and epitaxial TiB2-based superlattices by magnetron sputtering using a TiB (Ti:B = 1:1) target Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol. 494, Article 131534 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI