
Rebecca Stenberg

Associate Professor

To contribute to more efficient rescue, less suffering and fewer deaths is my passion! Good organizing, leadership, collaboration in rescue missions can decide life or death. Everybody understands the importance of this area.


Rebecca has a Ph.D. in psychology and works as an assistant professor in business administration at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linkoping University. 

Rescue research in CARER

I am board member in Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER). The interdisciplinary research center for studies in rescue and crisis management is financed by Linköping University and the Swedish Contingencies Agency.

 My research and teaching focuses on organizing, leadership and cooperation from a societal/social perspective. Special areas of interest are new actors in safety and rescue organizing, marine rescue and outdoor safety. 

Ongoing research concerns the multidisciplinary research programme "Efficient Rescue in the Incident Site of Tomorrow".



Rebecca Stenberg, Maria Wolmesjö (2024) Preparative collaboration for missing persons with dementia in Sweden: a pilot study International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 13, p. 67-79 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Rebecca Stenberg (2023) Terrängpejlen: Tabletop-workshop, arbetsrapport
David Gundlegård, Rebecca Stenberg, Fredrik Kokacka, Jouni Lindberg (2023) Terrängpejlen, CARER arbetsrapport: nulägesanalys
Rebecca Stenberg, Fredrik Kokacka, David Gundlegård, Jouni Lindberg, Sofie Pilemalm, Tobias Andersson Granberg (2023) Lokalisering i oländig terräng: Slutrapport Terrängpejlen-projektet
Rebecca Stenberg (2023) Fältövning 4 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-10: Terrängpejlen, CARER arbetsrapport



Rebecca Stenberg, Maria Wolmesjö (2024) Preparative collaboration for missing persons with dementia in Sweden: a pilot study International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 13, p. 67-79 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Rebecca Stenberg (2023) Terrängpejlen: Tabletop-workshop, arbetsrapport
David Gundlegård, Rebecca Stenberg, Fredrik Kokacka, Jouni Lindberg (2023) Terrängpejlen, CARER arbetsrapport: nulägesanalys