
Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz

PhD student

I am a PhD Candidate in Welfare Law working at the intersection of migration, welfare and critical border studies.

Local bordering practices in a regime of temporary legality

In my PhD project I examine housing and education requirements linked to residence permits as internal borders that are negotiated at the local/municipal level in Sweden after 2015.

I seek to understand the local variations of access to residence permits in the Swedish welfare state today, as permanent residency and family reunification are regulated on a local level through material and temporal conditions tied to housing and education. In the thesis I further explore how welfare workers such as integration coordinators, school staff and social workers shape and negotiate their bordering roles in this context of expanding internalized bordering.

I have published in anthologies and journals such as Critical Social Policy and European Journal of Social Work, and opinion pieces in law journals and daily newspapers. In 2023 I was a visiting scholar at the Center for Race and Gender at the University of California Berkeley.

My background​ is in Global development studies and International migration and ethnic relations, and previously I have done research on the genealogies of detention practices in Sweden. During 2015–2017 I worked with issues regarding municipal reception of children seeking asylum "unaccompanied" in Sigtuna municipality and the City of Malmö and I have been involved in asylum rights networks since 2011.



Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz (2024) Med andrummets strypsjuka växer den civila olydnaden Artikel 14, Vol. 2024, p. 6-9 (Article in journal)
Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz, Karin Krifors, Vanna Nordling (2024) Housing and temporary legality: The evictability and settlement of refugees in Swedish municipalities Critical Social Policy (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz (2023) Angiverilagen ger bara en utväg ETC Nyhetsmagasin, Vol. 8 dec, p. 6-7 (Article in journal)


Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz, Vanna Nordling (2022) Waiting for housing: municipal practices of mobility control; Väntan på bostad: kommunala mobilitetskontrollerande praktiker European Journal of Social Work, Vol. 25, p. 969-981 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sofi Jansson-Keshavarz, Anna Lundberg, Hedvig Obenius (2021) Förskjutningar av välfärdsrättigheter och ansvar Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände?: en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt, p. 319-334 (Chapter in book)



I have experience of teaching in the Bachelor's program of social work and the Bachelor's program in social and cultural analysis at the Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO).
