
Sofie Pilemalm


Leads and carries out interdisciplinary research in the domains of response systems and crisis management. Professor in Informatics and Director of Centre for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER). Adjunct Professor at University of Agder.

New collaboration forms, co-production and ICT-support in the public sector och and future rescue- and response systems

My own research embraces organizational development, digitalization, user-centered design, and citizen engagement as an emerging form of co-production. This in application domains such as response systems, command and control systems and crisis management.

I am professor in Informatics and director of Centre for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER). This means that I lead and carry out interdisciplinary research in the domains of response systems, crisis management and 5the future incident site. I also have a 20% Adjunct Professor position at the University of Agder.

This means that I collaborate with several institutions at Linköping university (LiU) and across faculties. My research is practice-oriented with focus on emerging forms of volunteerism and co-production in response operations and how they may be supported (or hindered!) by digitalization and ICT. I supervise Ph. D. students at the technical and philosophical faculties.


Short texts



  • Best Innovation Paper Nomination vid The18th Conference on IFIP Electronic Government and E-participation, EGOV 2019 med “extended publication” in JEDEM journal of e-democracy, special issue 2020.
  • Invited speaker at the Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), november 2018:. Pilemalm, S. (2018). Participatory Design in Emerging Civic Engagement Initiatives in the New Public Sector: Applying PD Concepts in Resource-Scarce Organizations. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) - Special Issue on Reimagining Participatory Design, Volume 25 Issue 1.
  • Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence: Highly Commended Paper award för tidskriften International Journal of Emergency Services, 2014: Pilemalm S., Andersson, D. & Mojir, K. Y. (2014) Enabling organizational learning from rescue operations, International Journal of Emergency Services, Vol. 3 Iss 2 pp. 101-117.

Short CV

• Head of Unit Quantitative Logistics 2024-
• Professor Informatics, ITN, LiU 2021-
• Adjunct Professor Information systems University of Agder 2021-
• Professor Informatics IEI, LiU (2020-2021)
• Associate Professor Informatics, IEI, LiU (2014–2020)
• Lecturer, Response Systems IEI LiU (2011-2014)
• Docent Informatics, IDA, LiU (2009)
• Senior researcher, Systems Development, Unit for IT Infrastructure, Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) (2006-2011)
• Researcher, Systems Development, Unit for IT Infrastructure, Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) (2006-2011)
• Ph. D. Informatics, IDA, LiU (2002)
• Director Centre for Advanced Research in Emergency response (CARER), LiU (2011-)
• Director of “Effective response at the Future Incident Site”, 8 year interdisciplinary research programme, CARER, LiU (2015-2024)
• International Conference of Information Systems (ISCRAM) Board of Directors 2024-
• Project leader R&D initiatives and researcher in, e.g., user-centered systems development, participatory design, CSCW, command and control systems, co-production, situation awareness and organizational learning, above all in the domains of rescue operations and crisis management.
• Assignments as examinator, expert, member of Ph. D. defense committees, and in EU expert groups, nationally and internationally.
• Member of IEI research council 2021
• Recurrent reviewer och and member of program committees
• Member of Security Link and the Swedish Defense Association

Supervision and graduate courses

Forskarutbildning i Emergency Response Systems
• Huvudhandledare: Elina Ramsell (IEI), Toward ICT-enabled Co-production in Emergency Response
• Huvudhandledare: Maria Murphy (IEI).
• Huvudhandledare: Kayvan Yousefi Mojir (IEI), Information Systems Development for Emerging Public Sector Cross-sector Collaborations: The Case of Swedish Emergency Response (2018).
• Bihandledare: Jonathan Crusoe (IEI), Open Government Data as a Reform and Ecosystem
• Bihandledare: Niklas Enab Vogel (IMH), Optimizing prehospital acute stroke care in the presence of economic constraints
• Bihandledare: Dennis Andersson Granberg, Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut/IDA
• Bihandledare: Jonas Rybing (IDA), Studying Simulations with Distributed Cognition (2018).
• Bihandledare: Åsa Weinholt, (ITN, 2015, Lic.)

Online presence

Sofie Pilemalm | LinkedIn
CARER| LinkedIn
Twitter @SofiePilemalm


Latest publications


Sofie Pilemalm, Anna Follin, Erik Prytz (2024) Digitalized co-production of emergency response: ICT-enabled dispatch and coordination of volunteers at the emergency site Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sofie Pilemalm, Wael Alkusaibati (2024) Towards a New Typology of Digitalized Co-production: Implementing Local Emergency Response Initiatives Nationwide Digital Government: Research and Practice (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Wael Alkusaibati, Sofie Pilemalm (2024) Digitalized Co-production of Emergency Response: Dispatch and On-Site Work by Volunteer First Responders Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: (ITDRR 2023 2023), p. 20-37 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Viktor Sköld Gustafsson, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Sofie Pilemalm, Martin Waldemarsson (2024) Identifying decision support needs for emergency response to multiple natural hazards: an activity theory approach Natural Hazards, Vol. 120, p. 2777-2802 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Petter Norrblom, Erik Prytz, Sofie Pilemalm, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Carl-Oscar Jonson (2023) Vad motiverar frivilliga att fortsätta vara frivilliga? Framtidens Skadeplats 2023 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Erik Prytz, Petter Norrblom, Sofie Pilemalm, Tobias Andersson Granberg, Carl-Oscar Jonson (2023) What motivates and demotivates emergency response volunteers? A survey-based factor analysis study Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, Vol. 31, Article 38 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Rebecca Stenberg, Fredrik Kokacka, David Gundlegård, Jouni Lindberg, Sofie Pilemalm, Tobias Andersson Granberg (2023) Lokalisering i oländig terräng: Slutrapport Terrängpejlen-projektet