
Thomas Magnusson




Anna Yström, Alexander Gorgijevski, Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Thomas Magnusson, Viktor Werner, Karin Wigger (2024) En hållbar processindustri? Strategier för att navigera mot grön omställning MGMT of Innovation and Technology (Article in journal)
Viktor Werner, Karin Wigger, Anna Yström, Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Thomas Magnusson (2024) Navigating ambidextrous programs towards net-zero emissions: Evidence from a Swedish process industry firm
Thomas Magnusson, Solmaz Filiz Karabag, Karin Wigger, Göran Andersson (2024) Sustainability transitions in tourism: on the transformation of a fragmented sector Tourism Geographies (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Nancy Brett, Thomas Magnusson, Hans Andersson (2023) From global climate goals to local practice-mission-oriented policy enactment in three Swedish regions Science and Public Policy, Vol. 50, p. 603-618 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Thomas Magnusson, Viktor Werner (2023) Conceptualisations of incumbent firms in sustainability transitions: Insights from organisation theory and a systematic literature review Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 32, p. 903-919 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI

