Photo of Victoria Martinez

Victoria Martinez

Research Assistant

As a postdoctoral researcher, I research the lives of survivors of Nazi persecution who came to Sweden as refugees during and after the Second World War, with a focus on women and the role of gender and other differences.

Afterlives: Jewish and Non-Jewish Polish Survivors of Nazi Persecution in Sweden Documenting Nazi Atrocities, 1945-1946

In January 2024, I defended my Ph.D. dissertation in history, titled "Afterlives: Jewish and Non-Jewish Polish Survivors of Nazi Persecution in Sweden Documenting Nazi Atrocities, 1945-1946" which analyzes how survivors of Nazi persecution who came to Sweden as refugees were involved in various sociohistorical processes during the post-war period, with a focus on women and the role of gender and other differences.

The origins of my research go back to early 2017, not long after my family and I moved to Sweden, when I was working as an independent historical researcher and writer. Since then, I have researched and published articles on the experiences, lives and, in some cases, untimely deaths of survivors of Nazi persecution who came to Sweden as refugees. This work served as the foundation my work as a doctoral candidate at Linköping University, which began in the fall of 2019. 

More about my research

Assignments and networks

Government inquiry 

In the winter of 2019, I contributed to the Swedish government inquiry into a museum about the Holocaust in Sweden.

I attended the national research seminar, but above all I was hired to write summaries of the panel discussions that took place at the international research conference organized by the inquiry.

The summaries are now part of the published conference anthology, part of a Swedish Government Official Report (SOU 2020:21, Volume 2). 

National Network for Holocaust Studies

I am also an active member of the national network for Holocaust Studies that was formed in 2020, where I participate in discussions about the field's past, present, and future in Sweden and beyond.

Migrant Knowledge Network

I am a member of the Migrant Knowledge Network of the German Historical Institute (GHI) Washington

The USC Shoah Foundation

I am a Non-Residential Fellow with the USC Shoah Foundation, 2023-2024.

Academic Publications

I serve on the editorial board of Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, a peer-reviewed journal published by SAGE journals. For two years, I was the editorial assistant for Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, a peer-reviewed journal published by Linköping University Electronic Press (LiU E-Press).

Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals

Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research


List of publications


Victoria Van Orden Martinez (Editorship) (2024) Bridging Research Praxes Across Pluralities of Knowledge


Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) This is not an Onion: Ongoing Dialogue as Layers that Envelop and Enhance Research Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 15 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Victoria Van Orden Martinez, Malin Thor Tureby (2023) Monuments Cast Shadows: Remembering and Forgetting the 'Dead Survivors' of Nazi Persecution in Swedish Cemeteries Fallen Monuments and Contested Memorials, p. 177-189 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI
Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) Human Rights 'From Below': Survivors, Early Testimonies, and Restorative Justice in the Aftermath of the Second World War War, the Holocaust, and Human Rights Conference: October 11-13, 2023, The United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Hosted by the US Air Force Academy and the University of Texas at Dallas (Conference paper)
Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) Holocaust Education through 'Authentic Sites' of Nazi Persecution in Sweden
Malin Thor Tureby, Kristin Wagrell, Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) Beyond survivor-witnessing: Redefining a field
Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) Beyond Flight and Rescue - Contextualizing the Holocaust through Survivors' Ongoing Survival
Victoria Van Orden Martínez (2023) Afterlives: Jewish and Non-Jewish Polish Survivors of Nazi Persecution in Sweden Documenting Nazi Atrocities, 1945-1946
Victoria Van Orden Martínez (2023) Witnessing the Suffering of Others in Watercolor and Pencil: Jadwiga Simon-Pietkiewicz's Holocaust Art Exhibited in Sweden, 1945-46 Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Vol. 37, p. 273-293 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2023) Survivors of Nazi Persecution as Carriers and Cultural Translators of Knowledge in an Initiative to Document Nazi Persecution, 1945-1946


Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2022) Uppståndelse i en kyrkby: Hur tusen polacker som överlevt nazisternas förföljelser startade nya liv i Smålands skogar Någonstans i Sverige: En antologi med lokalhistoriska perspektiv på Sverige och Förintelsen, p. 219-235 (Chapter in book)
Victoria Van Orden Martinez (2022) Documenting the Documenter: Piecing together the history of Polish Holocaust survivor-historian Luba Melchior

Guest-edited publications

Vol. 15 No. 3 (2023): Bridging Research Praxes Across Pluralities of Knowledge

Guest Editor: Victoria Van Orden Martínez

Contributors: Alia Amir, Elise Bath, Juilee Decker, Birgit Eriksson, Rachel Faulkner, Louise Ejgod Hansen, Eva Hemmungs Wirtén, 
Rizwan-ul Huq, Victoria Van Orden Martínez, Karen Nordentoft, Christine Schmidt, Anders Nordberg Sejerøe, Trine Sørensen, Barbara Wood


How can researchers working both within and external to academia in all disciplines and areas of research recognize knowledge produced in other spheres and engage more ethically and collaboratively with that knowledge and those who create and circulate it? ...

Read more and download the Publication

Published: 2024-01-23



