Culture and Society - Tema Q

Photographer: David Calzada/Mostphotos

Anchored in a long-standing commitment to the value of interdisciplinary research, Tema Culture and Society (Tema Q) is a dynamic environment that accommodates a broad range of research in the humanities and social sciences.

Researchers at Tema Q share a critical/analytical approach to cultural heritage and the circulation of knowledge, with a particular focus on their social, creative, economic, legal and political dimensions.

Our commitment to interdisciplinary work is manifested in the overlaps between Tema Q's researchers and our interconnected research areas. Our ambition is to further strengthen research on the interpretation and regulation of cultural heritage and knowledge within and between everyday life, media, traditions, institutions and archives.

Research and Forums

Tema Q's main focus and strengths lie in the areas of mediated culture, cultural heritage and form, aesthetics and design.

Mediated Culture

Research in mediated culture has a broad focus and includes studies of both media texts and their production, dissemination, use and regulation. We examine the mediation and materiality of culture from both contemporary and historical perspectives, while striving towards interdisciplinarity and methodological innovation.

We have a unique expertise in intellectual property and various forms of regulatory practices related to media technology and knowledge-circulating principles.

Of special interest are the connections between materiality and the formal and informal norms through which knowledge circulates in society. Our current multidisciplinary research on patents and knowledge circulation focuses on the relationship of patents to documents, files and information history, which connects to perspectives from media-archeology and material culture. Here, Tema Q is in conversation with a lively and interdisciplinary international research front that spans a number of disciplines that share a common interest in how artistic works, knowledge and innovation are regulated, controlled and owned.

Cultural heritage

In practices such as collecting, archiving, exhibiting and performing meaningful pasts, what inheritances are retained in the future and why are some memories, histories and material remnants given priority while others are obscured? Cultural heritage research at Tema Q studies the changing meanings and use of both material and intangible cultural heritage within and outside institutions. We contribute interdisciplinarily to the development of research fields such as critical heritage studies, museology and cultural memory studies.

Our research is especially focused on critically understanding digital practices through the political, democratic, economic and material effects of the digitization and globalization of meaningful pasts.

Another area of strength is our research on evolving societal roles of museums. In this area we contribute with theoretical and methodological reflection on the continuously changing frameworks for the social relevance of museums and archives. Furthermore, our research focuses on the relations between intellectual property and cultural heritage, and on ownership and the use of common assets in relation to traditional knowledge and natural resources.

The Forum for Form, Aesthetics and Design

The Forum for Form, Aesthetics and Design is a platform intended to initiate, inspire and develop the interaction between interpretative perspectives and undergraduate education, research, and infrastructure at the Department of Culture and Society. The forum unites the aesthetic, interpretive and craft-centred fields of undergraduate education and the interdisciplinary approach on which these fields are based.

The Forum integrates theoretical and practical perspectives into its scientific foundation. The Forum hosts an advanced seminar series associated with form and craft studies, where invited speakers present artistic projects, discuss current research and collaborate on applications for research grants, etc.

Selected ongoing research

Collaborative Research, Platforms and Networks

Researchers at Tema Q are active in a range of collaborative research hubs, platforms and networks.

We are active in the research hub KOMPASS, developing interdisciplinary research on forms and norms of knowledge circulation.

We are a driving force in LiU Humanities, a forum that supports collaboration among researchers, teachers and doctoral students across departmental and disciplinary boundaries.

We are part of the editorial board of the journal Culture Unbound.

We network with universities and departments:

  • Institute for Culture and Society University of Western Sydney, Australien
  • Royal Holloway, University of London
  • University of Kent, Canterbury.

Collaborative Research, Platforms and Networks

Doctoral Studies

Conferences and seminars


Upcoming events


Bodil and David.

14 June 2023

Virtual worlds and 3D objects – the digital future of museums

Virtual environments or 3D objects printed directly into the classroom. Linköping University and the Museum of Östergötland are starting a research collaboration to find new and better ways to utilise technology.

aerial view photography of person holding arm while pressing blood pressure machine

10 October 2022

Symposium sheds light on intellectual property and global health

Intellectual property laws can affect access to medicines or medical equipment, which has consequences for global health. At a symposium problems that arise at the intersection between intellectual property and global health were discussed.

21 March 2022

How the Denisova human went from fossil to fact

How is knowledge created? By way of a network of many different actors, according to a doctoral thesis at Linköping University. With the discovery of the Denisova human, scientists, journalists and Wikipedia editors created fact from a fossil.

Social media

For the latest updates on our research - follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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Tema Q on Twitter

PASSIM on Twitter


Contact us



Contact administration

Visiting address Norrköping

Campus Norrköping
Kopparhammaren 7 Building (Kungsgatan 56), House C, 3rd floor

Postal address Norrköping

Linköping University
Kungsgatan 56
601 74 Norrköping
