An EU treaty is a binding agreement between the member states. A treaty establishes the goals of the EU, what rules apply to EU institutions, how decisions are taken, and the relations between the EU and its member states. The European Union can only take measures that are supported by a treaty.
The Official Journal of the European Union is the official publication (gazette) for EU legal acts, other acts and official information from EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies:
Access to official journal
A Green Paper is a document published by the European Commission with the purpose of stimulating discussion on a specific issue. Interested parties (organisations, citizens) are invited to consultations and debates on the proposals presented in the Green Paper. Sometimes, law proposals are based on a Green Paper. Such as proposal is subsequently presented in a White Paper:
Green Papers
Documents used to prepare EU legislation, produced during the various stages of the legislative and budgetary process:
Prepatory documents
Find consolidated versions of European Union acts that give the view of the act as applicable at a specific point in time:
Consolidated texts
Find information about procedures which lead to the adoption of legal acts by the European institutions. EUR-Lex gives you access to the procedure stages and to related documents:
Lawmaking procedures
The EUR-Lex directory of EU legislation currently in force. Search according to subject area to find EU legislation:
Directory of European Union legislation
Summaries of EU legislation are short, easy-to-understand explanations of the main legal acts passed by the EU – intended for a general, non-specialist audience.
Most cover the main types of legislation passed by the EU: directives, regulations and decisions. But some cover other documents, such as international agreements:
Summaries of EU legislation
White papers from the Commission are documents with proposals within a specific area. In some cases, a white paper has been preceded by a green paper with the purpose to initiate consultations at the EU level. If the white book is received positively, the Council can initiate a plan of action regarding the area in question:
White Papers