The interplay of pupils and learning

The interplay between pupils, teachers and parents is crucial to education and learning. Creating a sound working climate can be a challenge for teachers. International research in this area is extensive. Much of it is gathered under the term Classroom Management (CM). Another part concerns relationships to home.

Among other things, research into CM at LiU investigates how teachers handle different disturbances in the classroom, and how teacher education students can learn to manage provocations.

The pupils must also be afforded the opportunity to develop their ability to cooperate and their democratic skills. Studies of how pupils and teachers see group work as a working method reveal that the assessment of pupils' performance constitutes a problem for both pupils and teachers. Studies of how democratic values can be reified in practice in the classroom reveal that the teacher is faced with countless dilemmas.

The meeting of children and their families with the preschool or school is another aspect of cooperation. Relationships between home and school manifest themselves in discussions of the pupil's progress, which are also a subject of research. 

Research into children's conflicts and conflict resolution aims to increase the pupils' skills in using constructive strategies.
The interplay also depends on the teachers' treatment of pupils, which can sometimes be brought into question. Research into teachers' actions in accordance with their work ethics, however, shows that teachers avoid intervening when colleagues show shortcomings in their treatment of the pupils.


Old typewriter.

Technology and Science Education Research - TESER

Technology and Science Education Research – TESER – is a research unit in science and technology education research that was initiated in 2011.

Ung kvinna använder sin mobiltelefon.

Apps and downs: Mental health and teenage girls’ interpretations of social media content

Teenage girls often follow influencers, and a common topic is mental health. But what norms about health and well-being are conveyed on social media? We examine influencers' posts on mental health issues and how they are interpreted by followers.

An ancestry-segregated school class friendship network.

Peer influence or discrimination? Understanding the mechanisms behind ethnic differences in school achievement.

This project explores the achievement gaps in schools among students from different ethnic backgrounds. By analysing data from European youth and Swedish registers, we aim to increase awareness of bias in the education system.