Atypical Interaction Conference 2025

A robot holding hands with an old lady.

Welcome to the Atypical Interaction Conference, 10-12 June 2025, at Linköping University, Sweden

Conference Theme: Relations, innovations, applications

The Atypical Interaction Conference AIC2025 aims to bring together researchers who use Conversation Analysis (CA) and multimodal interaction analysis, to investigate interactions involving participants whose ability to communicate diverges from more typical patterns. In past conferences, this has included, but not been limited to, individuals living with aphasia, autism, deafblindness, dementia, developmental language disorder, schizophrenia, and individuals using alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), to mention a few.

The conference also welcomes researchers within areas such as interaction involving artificial intelligence, robots, and animals. We would like to welcome all those with an interest in asymmetrical or atypical interaction to Linköping University on 10-12 June 2025!

Organising committee

  • Ali Reza Majlesi
  • Anna Ekström
  • Charlotta Plejert
  • Christina Samuelsson
  • Elias Ingebrand
  • Elin Nilsson
  • Inga-Lena Johansson
  • Lovisa Elm
  • Maria Cromnow
  • Niklas Norén
  • Sophia Lindeberg

Scientific Committee

Members of the organising committe, and:

  • Alison Wray
  • Asta Cekaite
  • Charles Antaki
  • Christina Reuterskiöld
  • Jakob Cromdal
  • Lars-Christer Hydén
  • Leelo Keevallik
  • Nicole Műller
  • Nigel Musk
  • Mathias Broth
  • Ray Wilkinson


Charlotta Plejert
+46 13 28 28 12

Lisa Hoffstedt (conference administrator)
+46 13 28 89 90

Key-note speakers

We are happy to announce that we have three very exciting and renown Key-Note speakers within the area of Atypical Interaction!! Who they are and information about their talks are to be revealed on this page shortly!

Important dates

Submission deadline: 20 January 2025
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 28 February 2025
Registration opens: 3 March 2025. (Please see “Registration” for further information).
Standard Registration closes: 25 May (Please see “Registration” for further information).

Abstract submission

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submissions are sent via e-mail to the following address:

Please read all instructions below carefully before submitting your abstract. A form for the abstract is found at the bottom of this page.

We accept paper presentations, data sessions, and posters. You can also submit a panel proposal, which should consist of at least three papers on a common theme. Apart from a description of the panel, panel organizer(s) should provide the names and the titles of the contributors.

  • Paper presentation: 30 minutes/paper (20 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for discussion, 5 minutes to move between rooms)
  • Panel of three papers: 90 minutes for three papers (disposed as organizers wish)
  • Data session: 60 minutes
  • Poster: A special slot will be designated for poster

Submission Date

Submission deadline: 20 January 2025
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 28 February 2025

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Make sure to carefully include the information below in your submission. A form (Word-file) for filling in the required information can be found at the bottom of this page.


Provide the title in small letters, with the exception for the first letter of the first word of a sentence, which should start with a capital letter, e.g., “People with aphasia in conversation….” etc. Please try to keep titles reasonably short.

The title should clearly define the topic. Please note, if your abstract is a part of a panel, indicate the name of the panel before the abstract title e.g. "Panel name: Abstract Title". The contributions of the panel should be submitted individually.

Submission type

Please indicate what type of contribution it is (presentation, part of a panel, data session, or poster). Please note: You can only submit one abstract for each submission type as first author.

Presenter/s, Author/s and Affiliation/s

Please fill in the presenter/s details as follows:

  • Affiliation (organisation)
  • Country
  • First name and last name for all authors (if applicable), and kindly mark who is the first author. Several people can, however, present the paper.

Body of the abstract

The abstract should be written in English. The maximum length of the abstract is 350 words. The 350-word limit does not include the title or author details. Please make sure to provide the aim/s of the study, method/s used, results (also preliminary ones) conclusions and, if applicable, implications.

Accepted contributions will be presented either as individual talks, panel presentations, posters, or as a data session. The scientific committee and the organising committee have all rights to accept or reject an abstract. The scientific committee may also decide that a poster be accepted as a presentation, or suggest a paper to be turned into a poster. This will be communicated to authors at acceptance.

All accepted abstracts will be published in a separate booklet available as a pdf-file on the conference home page.

A form for filling in abstract is found below. Please save the form on your own computer, fill it in, and submit it to our conference secretary Lisa Hoffstedt using this submission address: NOTE! Make sure to include “Abstract submission AIC” as SUBJECT in your e-mail to Lisa.

Registration and fees

Registration opens 3 March. On this page from early March 2025, you will be able to register and pay the conference fee and register and pay for the conference dinner.


Registration opens: 3 March 2025

Figure of the registration fee.
Figure of the registration fee.

Conference dinner: Conference dinner will take place on Wednesday 11 June.

Practical information

AIC 2025 will take place at Linköping University, the Division of Sensory Organs and Communication, Department of Biomedical Sciences at Campus US (Medical Faculty), close to Linköping City Centre.
