Education in communications and transport systems

Education in communications and transport systems

Education is very important for us. We teach at six study programmes, two engineering programmes, two master's programmes and two bachelor's programmes. In total we offer around 80 courses and diploma works at undergraduate and graduate level. We also conduct postgraduate education in the subject Infrainformatics.

Education programs

Diploma works

Students at Linköping University as well as from other institutions of higher education are welcome to do write their diploma work theses with us. You can either do your diploma works in one of our research groups or, for example, at a company with one of our researchers or teachers as supervisor.

PhD education

The PhD students at the division becomes candidates in the Infra Informatics programme, which is broadly defined and includes the PhD students in all of our eight research groups. The education leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree.

The Infra Informatics study plan is only available in Swedish.

You can find descriptions of graduate education at LiU at the following links.

Linköping University's Faculty of Science and Engineering's page on PhD studies

Doctoral studies at Linköping University

Student news
