A summation of the score for each item (1-5 points) results in a value between 9-45 points for EHFScBS-9, where a high value indicates poorer self-care. If more than three answer options are missing, no total sum can be obtained. If three or fewer answers are missing, the missing answer is replaced with the value 3.

A standardized value from 0 to 100 where higher scores indicate better self-care can be obtained through the following syntax in SPSS (the first step is to "reverse" each item so that a high degree of agreement, ie good self-care, generates higher scores, and then convert the score to a value between 0-100).

Alternative way of presenting scores

The EHFScBS-9 currently has a score from 9 to 45 with a higher score indicating worse self-care. A standardised score from 0 to 100 with a higher score indicating better self-care can make interpretation of the score easier.


SPSS syntax to compute the 0–100 standardised and reversed score of the EHFScBS-9, where a higher score means better selfcare. Syntax to reverse each item:


item_n (1=5) (2=4) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1) INTO R_item_n. EXECUTE.

Syntax to compute the 0–100 standardised score (after item reverse):


EHFScBS_9=(SUM(R_item_1,R_item_2,R_item_3,R_item_4,R_item_5,R_item_6,R_item_7,R_item_8,R_item_9)-9)*2.7777. EXECUTE.

In order to demonstrate an improvement in a patient's self-care, the score should increase by at least 5.75 points in the standardized version. If the patient has a score lower than 70 in the standardised version, there is reason to encourage an improvement in self-care.

