Media Design and Image Reproduction

An illustration of Norrköping by Motala ström with people moving around in the environment
Image: Solith af Malmborg, Mina Mani Kashani, Malin Müller, Matilda Wallén, Dong Wang

Our work is fundamentally about communication. How might we combine digital and analog media to convey information, insights and emotions? How might we create engaging and captivating experiences through modern information technology?

En hand håller i en liten robotFoto: Ahmet BörüteceneVisualization and interaction technology has advanced greatly; high-resolution immersive environments and multimodal interaction surfaces are no longer mere future visions. But much work remains when it comes to designing visual and immersive communication using contemporary technology. We explore immersive and augmented information spaces, and multimodal interaction between humans and AI, always focusing on the use experience.

En rosa polygonbaserad kanin framför en karta med färgproverFoto: Alina Pranovich

Another main research topic is image reproduction. Reproducing images correctly in print requires models of the interaction between ink, light and paper. Current printing technology enables printing in 2.5D and 3D by mixing materials with different optical properties. Faithfully reproducing not only color but also realistic texture, gloss and opacity requires even more complicated models taking into account the optical properties of the materials. This field, often called appearance printing, is central to our research.

Latest publications


Alina Pranovich, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Sergiy Valyukh, Sasan Gooran, Daniel Nyström (2024) Empirical BRDF model for goniochromatic materials and soft proofing with reflective inks. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Continue to DOI
Jimmy Hammarbäck, Björn J. E. Johansson, Jens Alfredson, Jonas Lundberg (2024) Modelling situated intent for human-autonomy teaming: a human-centric approach Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, p. 1-22 Continue to DOI
Alina Pranovich (2024) Modelling appearance printing: Acquisition and digital reproduction of translucent and goniochromatic materials
Jonas Lundberg, Magnus Nylin, Gesa Praetorius, Anders A. Jansson, Magnus Bång (2024) Modelling operator control work across traffic management domains: implications for interaction design Cognition, Technology & Work Continue to DOI
Rui D. V. Fernandes, Alina Pranovich, Sergiy Valyukh, Andrea Zille, Tomas Hallberg, Kenneth Järrendahl (2024) Iridescence Mimicking in Fabrics: A Ultraviolet/Visible Spectroscopy Study BIOMIMETICS, Vol. 9, Article 71 Continue to DOI


Abigail Trujillo-Vazquez, Fereshteh Abedini, Alina Pranovich, Carinna Parraman, Susanne Klein (2023) Printing with tonalli: Reproducing Featherwork from Precolonial Mexico Using Structural Colorants Colorants, Vol. 2, p. 632-653 Continue to DOI
Maximiliane Nirschl, Boudewijn Boon, Martijn de Waal, Jonas Löwgren (2023) Media architecture for neighborhood resilience Proc. 6th ACM Media Architecture Biennale Conference (MAB '23), p. 108-118 Continue to DOI
Vanessa Rodrigues, Carl Westin, Stefan Holmlid (Editorship) (2023) This space intentionally left [blank]
Patrick Schooner, Gunnar Höst, Claes Klasander, Jonas Hallström (2023) Teachers' cognitive beliefs about their assessment and use of tools when evaluating students' learning of technological systems: a questionnaire study International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 33, p. 937-956 Continue to DOI
M. Cocchioni, S. Bonelli, Carl Westin, C. Borst, Magnus Bång, B. Hilburn (2023) Learning for Air Traffic Management: guidelines for future AI systems 12TH EASN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "INNOVATION IN AVIATION & SPACE FOR OPENING NEW HORIZONS", Article 012105 Continue to DOI

