Vast troves of digital data are opening up entirely new possibilities for answering fundamental questions in the social sciences. Social media, smartphones, online libraries, and other digital devices produce continually updated records of human behaviour at unprecedented scales. The emerging interdisciplinary field of computational social science uses methods such as predictive modelling, text and image analysis, and network analysis to analyse massive datasets in new and insightful ways.
The next generation of researchers, however, face substantial barriers in taking full advantage of the tools of computational social science. Most fundamentally, the required knowledge and training often falls outside of traditional doctoral programs. The primary aim of the Swedish Interdisciplinary Research School in Computational Social Science is to provide doctoral students with the up-to-date knowledge and skills necessary to make the best use of digital data on human behavior.
The target group is doctoral students enrolled at Swedish higher education institutes, but the research school is also open to international students with an interest in computational social science. The program activities are intended to complement mandatory coursework at the university where the student is registered. The program runs in two-year cycles, with new student cohorts admitted every other year. It includes a core curriculum of 10.5 higher education credits as well as seminars, networking activities, and elective courses.The research school is coordinated by the Institute for Analytical Sociology in active collaboration with eight higher education institutions: Linköping University, Uppsala University, Lund University, the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University, Umeå University, the Stockholm School of Economics, and Chalmers University of Technology. It is funded by a grant from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskåpsradet).
A tentative schedule for the 2025 cohort
- Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (9 – 19 June 2025).
- Winter School in Advanced Computational Social Science (1 December – 12 December 2025).
- Summer School in Computational Text Analysis (8 – 18 June 2026).
- Research School Symposium (30 November – 4 December 2026).