The Remote Exercise SWEDEHEART study

Logo for the project The remote exercise SWEDEHEART study

The primary aim of the Remote Exercise SWEDEHEART study is to evaluate if remotely delivered exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation, offered as an alternative to traditional center-based exercise programmes, can increase the proportion of patients with a recent myocardial infarction to successfully complete an exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme. Secondary aims include to evaluate safety and if remote exCR is as least as effective as center-based exCR in improving physical fitness and patient-reported outcome measures. A follow-up of major adverse cardiovascular events will be performed after 1 and 3 years.

This study will be performed in two steps in collaboration with over 30 Swedish hospitals:

  1. National feasibility and safety study.
  2. National multicenter registry-based cluster randomized crossover clinical trial (RRCT).

Extending the capability of traditional center-based exercise cardiac rehabilitation by offering remotely delivered exercise has the potential to increase the proportion of patients after an MI successfully completing an exCR program. This would contribute to improved health for the individual patient and providing a more equal access to health care across the country.


Swedish Research Council (VR)
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE)
Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation
Family Kamprad Foundation
Grants from the Swedish state under the agreement between the Swedish government and the county councils, the ALF agreement
The Healthcare Board, Region Västra Götaland

