Visualization and Interaction Design

An illustration of Norrköping by Motala ström with people moving around in the environment
Image: Solith af Malmborg, Mina Mani Kashani, Malin Müller, Matilda Wallén, Dong Wang

We explore new ways for people to interact with data, technology, and digital materials in meaningful ways. Our research is centered in real-world, situated contexts and draws from a plurality of approaches and disciplines in order to understand and (re)shape our digital lives.

We design new experiences with technology through a multitude of disciplines, materials, and methods. Our work combines data with visualizations and sound, and explores new combinations of physical and digital materials, virtual and real worlds, to create novel design concepts and ways of interacting from a non-solutionist, explorative, multidisciplinary perspective. Conceptual work on underlying design theory underpins our creative engagements.
Three people standing in front of a projection in a dome theatre

Theoretically we pull from a multitude of epistemic foundations. These foundations include feminist and critical theory, and research through design, as well as more conventional scientific practices for both qualitative and quantitative inquiry. An important focus of the group is using different theoretical foundations to contextualize and situate data, interaction, and technology in real-world settings as well as to understand our role as designers in their impacts. In particular, we draw from critical perspectives that center ethics, responsibilities, and inclusivity throughout our research practices.
Colorful notes pinned to a city map

Much of our research is motivated by collaborations with a range of partners. We have worked with organizations such as museums, research labs, science centers, non-profits, and industry partners. In these collaborations we employ a variety of participatory methods, including co-design, co-speculation, living labs, and creativity workshops.

For current information about the Visualization and Interaction Design unit, please refer to the website.

Latest publications


Elias Elmquist (2025) Sensibly Sound: Human-Centered Integration of Sonification and Visualization


Lonni Besançon, Brian A. Nosek, Tamarinde Haven, Miriah Meyer, Cody Dunne, Mohammad Ghoniem (2024) Merits and Limits of Preregistration for Visualization Research 2024 IEEE EVALUATION AND BEYOND-METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES FOR VISUALIZATION, BELIV 2024, p. 89-96 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Conny Walchshofer, Vaishali Dhanoa, Marc Streit, Miriah Meyer (2024) Transitioning to a Commercial Dashboarding System: Socio-Technical Observations and Opportunities IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 30, p. 381-391 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Elias Elmquist, Alexander Bock, Anders Ynnerman, Niklas Rönnberg (2024) Towards a Systematic Scene Analysis Framework for Audiovisual Data Representations Audiovisual Symposium notes (Conference paper)
Niklas Rönnberg, Jonas Löwgren (2024) Understanding Modal Synergy for Exploration
Ahmet Börütecene, Mina Mani Kashani (2024) Glowing Bodies in the Dark: Playful and Participatory Exploration of Design Ideas for Virtual Reality ADJUNCT PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH NORDIC CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, NORDICHI 2024, Article 63 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Tobias Kauer, Derya Akbaba, Marian Dörk, Benjamin Bach (2024) Discursive Patinas: Anchoring Discussions in Data Visualizations
Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou (2024) Socially and culturally produced boundaries in housing access in relation to sexuality Research Handbook on Urban Sociology, p. 444-456 (Chapter in book)
Derya Akbaba, Lauren Klein, Miriah Meyer (2024) Entanglements for Visualization: Changing Research Outcomes through Feminist Theory IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Niklas Rönnberg, Ahmet Börütecene (2024) Use of Generative AI for Fictional Field Studies in Design Courses Adjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Article 23 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI

