You can find instruments for molecular biology at Cellkärnan, level 09, at the Cellbiology building.

Staff are available to help, see "Contact" below.


3500 Genetic Analyzer

8-capillary platform
• Sanger Sequencing
• Microsatellites

Old technology, but fast and inexpensive to use with simple setup, for mutation confirmation and microsatellite/STR analysis.

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With MiSeq, you can:

• Multiplex up to 96 samples per run for greater efficiency.
• Get accurate bi-directional amplicon sequencing.
• Generate complete de novo assemblies.
• Produce 2 x 300 paired-end reads and up to 15 Gb of data in a single run.

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Nextseq 550

With NextSeq 550, you can perform:

• Targeted sequencing (amplicon-based, gene panel)
• Transcriptome sequencing (total RNA-Seq, mRNA-Seq, gene expression profiling)
• Arrays scanning

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Nextseq 2000

With NextSeq 200, you can perform:

• Targeted sequencing (amplicon-based, gene panel)
• Small Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
• Whole exome sequencing (WES)
• Transcriptome sequencing (total RNA-Seq, mRNA-Seq, small RNA-Seq, single cell RNA-Seq)

For more information:
NextSeq 1000 and NextSeq 2000 Sequencing Systems | Mid-throughput benchtop sequencing (

To choose between the different available sequencing platforms, We recommend using the following link: Sequencing Platform Comparison Tool (

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR system

Capacity: 96-well fast PCR plates. Equipped with 5 emission filters for: SYBR® Green I, FAM™, VIC™, JOE™, NED™, TAMRA™, ROX™, Texas Red®, Cy3™, Cy5™.

• Absolut quantification
• relative quantification
• allele discrimination +/- detection.

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7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System

96fast- or 384-well plate. Old instrument with no service agreement and no spare parts available.

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QPCR QuantStudio™ 7 Flex

The QuantStudio™ 7 Flex system for 96-well Fast, 384-well, or TaqMan® array card block.

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Digital droplet PCR-system (BioRad)

The QX200 AutoDG Droplet Digital PCR System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen and probe-based Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) applications.

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PCR Thermal Cycler 2720

2720 Thermal Cycler from Applied Biosystems. 96 well format.

PCR Thermal Cycler C1000

C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler from BioRad. 96 well format with gradient possibilities

Affymetrix Microarray

The Affymetrix instrument for microarray analysis is an integrated platform containing scanner, oven, fluidics station.
The microarray platform allows whole genome gene expression and miRNA expression analysis for a wide variety of organisms (Human, Mouse, Zebrafish etc.)

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Maxwell® RSC

The Maxwell® Rapid Sample Concentrator (RSC) Instrument is a platform for automated purification of nucleic acid from a range of sample types. It can process up to 16 samples simultaneously, using prefilled cartridges and preprogrammed methods. DNA or RNA extraction in 25–60 minutes, depending upon sample type.

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QIAcube Connect

QIAcube Connect performs fully automated purification of nucleic acids and proteins in molecular biology applications. It automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 140 standard protocols for DNA, RNA and protein sample processing.

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QIAGEN Tissue Lyser II

The Qiagen Tissue Lyser II is used for high-throughput disruption of a wide range of biological samples (animal and plant tissues, bacteria and yeast).
You must buy your own QIAGEN kits and Beads.

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Fragment analyzer 5200

Capillary electrophoresis for detection of large fragment DNA and libraries for NGS.
Analysis kits available at Cellkärnan for:
• Standard Sensitivity NGS Fragment (1 bp – 6000 bp)
• High Sensitivity NGS Fragment (1 bp – 6000 bp)
• Standard Sensitivity Large Fragment (50 bp – 20000 bp)

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Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100

The 2100 Bioanalyzer system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for the sample quality control of DNA/RNA. Agilent RNA 6000 nano kit available at Cellkärnan.

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Quantus is a sensitive single tube fluorometer for fluorescence-based quantitation of DNA and RNA. It allows the quantification of low-level DNA/RNA samples accurately. DNA one kit and QuantiFlour RNA system are available at Cellkärnan.

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Speed Vac

Vacuum concentrator for removing solvents and concentrating samples while maintaining sample integrity.

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TapeStation 4150

The 4150 TapeStation system is a low-throughput automated electrophoresis platform for nucleic acid sample quality control. It allows a quick, easy, and reliable analysis of DNA and RNA samples for up to 16 samples per run. D100 and HS RNA kits are available at Cellkärnan.

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NanoDrop™ One is a part of Thermo Scientific™. Quantify and qualify DNA, RNA, and protein samples in seconds with only 1-2 μL, and obtain full-spectral data before you decide to use samples in downstream applications.

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Project Proposal for NGS analysis and Bioinformatics support

Please fill in the Project Proposal Form
or scan the following QR-code for NGS analysis and Bioinformatics support at Core Facility, LiU and Clinical Genomics, Sweden.

QR code that takes you the form regarding Project Proposal for NGS analysis and Bioinformatics support.

Clinical Genomics

Clinical Genomics Linköping was established in 2019 as a regional distributed node of the Diagnostic and Development platform of SciLifeLab and the section of molecular genetics at the Linköping University Core unit. CG Linköping is organized at the medical faculty and operates in close collaboration with the clinical NGS platform at the University hospital in Linköping forming the local Genomic Medicine Sweden node GMC-south east.

Read more about Clinical Genomics Linköping >>


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Core Facility