Maths Coach Online is a chat service offering pupils in primary and secondary school free online help with homework assignments in mathematics. This help is given by trained university students. Maths Coach Online also provides a basis for research on how to deliver online-based education.

Verksamhetsledare i Linköping för Mattecoach på nätet Daniel Carlsson tillsammans med mattecoacherna Sofie Askenberger, Edith Gustafsson, David Hedberg och Mauricio Gallardo. Bilden är tagen 2011.Daniel Carlsson, manager in Linköping, together with some of our coaches. Photo credit Bo Cederqvist

Maths Coach Online is designed to complement the teaching of mathematics in primary and secondary school. If pupils have questions about mathematics during the evening when their teachers are not present, our Maths Coaches are available online to help.

This online service works on all devices (computer, tablet and mobile phone) and is free of charge and anonymous for the pupil. The Maths Coach Online platform provides a facility for chat-based communication, with a shared writing and drawing space.

Collaboration between universities

Maths Coach Online is a collaboration between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University and Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, and Aston University in Birmingham, UK. It started at KTH in 2009, with Linköping University joining the project in 2011. The manager at Linköping University is Daniel Carlsson at the Department of Mathematics.

Maths Coach Online is run from four nodes and universities mentioned above.

Student teachers as coaches

The Maths Coaches are students at Linköping University, Chalmers University of Technology, and Aston University, many of whom are either currently training to become teachers or intend to pursue teaching in the near future. They are all students of either mathematics, mathematics education or pedagogy, and have taken training in online coaching.

Maths Coach Online has three main purposes:

  • To provide pupils in primary and secondary school with qualified supervision in mathematics by student teachers who have a degree in mathematics and/or mathematics education.
  • To provide student teachers with a unique opportunity in which they can increasingly develop their teaching skills and understanding of mathematics.
  • To provide a basis for research on how to deliver online-based education for primary and secondary school pupils in the best possible way.
