MOHO, the Model of Human Occupation, is the shared theoretical framework for the instruments AWC, AWP, WEIS and WRI. The aim of the model is to explain how people’s motivation, lifestyle and capacity, as well as their social and physical environment, affect their capability for activity and participation.

In order for an instrument that is used to assess work ability to be capable of providing guidance for continued rehabilitation, it needs to have a theoretical basis that takes into account factors affecting work ability. That way it becomes easier for an assessor to understand the assessment variables in the instrument, and it becomes possible to use the model to interpret the results of an assessment.

It also becomes easier to convey the assessment results to a client if you can relate the output of an individual instrument to a model that provides a comprehensive view. This is a very important element of the assessment process, and the Model of Human Occupation offers the kind of theoretical frame of reference required.

