The network Team Nordic Shrinkage was initiated in 2019 by five scholars from Sweden, Norway and Finland thanks to funding by the Swedish Government and their initiative "Uppdrag Landsbygd". Since then, the network has expanded and is now a point of contact for young and senior scholars who share an interest in transition, resilience, and adaptation in shrinking areas.

Photo credit Rick Rothenberg/Unsplash

’Nordic’ referred initially to the Nordic countries, but the network is happy to stretch that definition and look forward to meeting and to learn from colleagues from the Baltic states and other parts of northern Europe.

The network produces a monthly newsletter and arrange webinars twice per semester. Please let us know if you want to volunteer and present a paper on any of these occasions! We would also like to welcome you to advertise upcoming courses, seminars, conferences, publications on the topic on our website.

Do you want to share something? Please click here and answer a few questions to let us know more.

The network is coordinated by Josefina Syssner, Professor in Human Geography at Linköping university and the author of several books and papers on shrinkage, and Sara Löwgren, PhD student at Linköping University, researching rural areas.

Please, feel welcome to join in!



De Fine Licht, J., Karlsson, D., & Skoog, L. (2024). Location of Public Services. Legitimacy, Challenges, and Solutions in Sweden. Palgrave Macmillan.

Tent, N., Syssner, J., Mose, I., & Rennie, F. (2024). Post-school education in shrinking rural regions: experiences and solutions from Scotland and Sweden. Raumforschung und Raumordnung/Spatial Research and Planning, 82(2), 160-174.

Bontje, M. (2024). Multiscalar Governance of Shrinkage in the Netherlands: Past, Present… Future?. Urban Planning, 9, Article 7972.


Moritz Albrecht, Maija Halonen, Josefina Syssner (2022) Depopulation and shrinkage in a Northern context: geographical perspectives, spatial processes and policies

Josefina Syssner (2022) What can geographers do for shrinking geographies?

Maija Halonen (2022) Multiple meanings and boundaries of growth in shrinking regions in East and North Finland

Teemu Makkonen, Tommi Inkinen, Simo Rautiainen (2022) Mapping spatio-temporal variations of shrinkage in Finland

Linda Lundmark , Doris A. Carson , Marco Eimermann (2022) Spillover, sponge or something else? Dismantling expectations for rural development resulting from giga-investments in Northern Sweden

Aksel Hagen, Ulla Higdem, Kjell Overvåg (2022) Planning to meet challenges in shrinking rural regions. Towards innovative approaches to local planning

Moritz Albrecht, Jarmo Kortelainen (2022) Contested planning efforts for the revitalization of small town centres in Finland

Dean Bradley Carson, Doris Anna Carson, Linda Lundmark, Anna-Karin Hurtig (2022) Resource deserts, village hierarchies and de-growth in sparsely populated areas: the case of Southern Lapland, Sweden


Aksel Hagen, Ulla Higdem, ed. (2020) Innovation in Public Planning - Calculate, Communicate and Innovate

Marlies Majer (2020) Community-led and Government-fed: Comparing Informal Planning Practices in Depopulating Regions across Europe

Josefina Syssner (2020) Pathways to Demographic Adaptation - Perspectives on Policy and Planning in Depopulating Areas in Northern Europe

Josefina Syssner, Marlies Meijer (2017) Informal Planning in Depopulating Rural Areas
