
Josefina Syssner


As a researcher, I am primarily interested in local politics, planning and development in areas with geographical disadvantages.

Local development policies in the Nordic periphery

I am a professor of human geography working at the Center for Local Government Studies. My research focuses on local policy, planning, and development in the Nordic countries – primarily in areas with long distances, shrinking population bases, and other spatial disadvantages.

I am particularly interested in the ideas and visions for the future that emerge in these areas and how they are translated into practical action. I am currently working on several externally funded research projects.

Local economic sustainability and development in rural areas of Sweden

Rural areas with shrinking populations face many sustainability challenges. Limited access to capital, high dependency ratios, and a declining tax base hinder the transition to an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable society. Previous studies show that in shrinking communities in rural areas characterized by geographic location disadvantages, growth is often an overriding goal of local policy. Little attention is paid to the need for demographic adjustments or local economic sustainability. The goal is to examine how local economic development is perceived in geographically disadvantaged areas and how sustainability and resilience-oriented goals can be given greater consideration in local development policy.

The project will run for three years and is funded by the Formas Research Council.

Goal setting for local development in areas with spatial disadvantages

This study examines goal formulation for local development efforts in areas with geographic location disadvantages. Examples of such locational disadvantages include long distances, a small home market, poorer access to services, or a shrinking population. How do development goals emerge and how are they supported? Do development goals look different in different places? Do different stakeholders have different ideas about what development is? Are goals linked to geography? If so, how - and in what ways?

The study is funded by the Laensfoersaekringar Research Fund.

Government governance in municipalities with socio-economic challenges

Municipalities covered by the Regulation (2018:152) on State Grants for Municipalities with Socioeconomic Challenges receive a financial grant from the state each year to work with methods that can strengthen the socioeconomic development of the municipality. A smaller study will examine communities' experiences with the type of state governance involved in investing in state grants for socioeconomically challenged communities, communities' experiences working with the National Agency for Growth, and communities' experiences selecting and prioritizing the use of funds received from the state for these efforts.

The study is funded by the National Agency for Growth.

Local Development Policy and Planning

In a smaller project, I am working with Ulf Ramberg at Lund College to examine how the conditions for local policy design and implementation differ in different municipalities with different demographic and structural conditions. Policy making focuses on the early stages of municipal policy, such as agenda setting, negotiations, problem formulation, anchoring, etc. Policy implementation is about how policy decisions are implemented in the organization, from prioritization of resources and distribution of responsibilities to follow-up.

The study is funded by Kommuninvest.



Ulla Higdem, Kjell Overvåg, Alexander Bern, Trude Hella Eide, Line Marie Tholstrup, Windy Kester Moe, Peter Niederer, Vera Ambühl, Josefina Syssner (2024) Innovative planning in shrinking societies: Final report
Josefina Syssner (2024) Hoppfulla platser?: Om hopp och hoppfullhet i periferin
Nathalie Tent, Josefina Syssner, Ingo Mose, Frank Rennie (2024) Post-school education in shrinking rural regions: experiences and solutions from Scotland and Sweden RAUMFORSCHUNG UND RAUMORDNUNG-SPATIAL RESEARCH AND PLANNING, Vol. 82, p. 160-174 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mikael Hellström, Ulf Ramberg, Josefina Syssner (2024) Kapacitet att bygga samhället: Om kommuners kapacitet att delta i och påverka samhällsbyggandet med lokalpolitiska förtecken


Josefina Syssner, Gissur Erlingsson (2023) Place-based policies for the periphery? Policies for local development in sparsely populated areas in northern Sweden Local Economy, Vol. 38, p. 794-803 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Researchers in collaboration

Publications, in selection

ORCID 0000-0001-7607-7029


Syssner, J. (2023). What can geographers do for shrinking geographies?. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 200(2), 98–119.

Albrecht, M., Halonen, M., & Syssner, J. (2023). Depopulation and shrinkage in a Northern context: geographical perspectives, spatial processes and policies. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 200(2), 91–97.


Erik Eriksson, Amira Fredriksson & Josefina Syssner (2022) Opening the black box of participatory planning: a study of how planners handle citizens’ input, European Planning Studies, 30:6, 994-1012, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1895974


Syssner, J. (in press). Pathways to Demographic Adaptation. Perspectives on Policy and Planning in Depopulating Areas in Northern Europe. Springer International Publishing, doi 10.1007/978-3-030-34046-9


Svensson & Syssner (2019) Den platsskapande strategen: ett aktörsperspektiv på hur turistiska platser blir till, i Wall-Reinius, S. & Heldt Cassel, S. (Eds.). Turismen och resandets utmaningar, Ymer 139. Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi: Ödeshög. ISBN 978-91-982150-5-2.

Syssner, J., & Olausson, A. (2019). Att främja utveckling inom besöksnäringen. I Entreprenörskap för en levande landsbygd : 15 texter om landsbygdsutveckling och entreprenörskap i Norrland (pp. 279–294). Familjen Kamprads stiftelse


Syssner, J. Mindre många, Årsta Dokument Press.

Hospers, G.J, Syssner, J. (eds.) (2018). Dealing with Urban and Rural Shrinkage: Formal and Informal Strategies. Berlin, Münster: LIT Verlag.

Syssner, J. & Meijer, M. (2018). ’Informal and formal planning in rural areas’, In Dealing with Urban and Rural Shrinkage: Formal and Informal Strategies (pp. 31–44). LIT Verlag GmBH and Co. KG Wien.

Jonsson, R., & Syssner, J. (2018). New demography, old infrastructure : the management of fixed assets in shrinking municipalities in Sweden. In Dealing with Urban and Rural Shrinkage: Formal and Informal Strategies (pp. 31–44). LIT Verlag GmBH and Co. KG Wien.


Syssner, J & Hjerpe, M. (2017) ‘Destination Management Professionals Expectations on Local Governments’, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.

Syssner, J. & Meijer, M. (2017) ‘Informal planning in depopulating rural areas. A resource-based view on informal planning practices’, European Countryside.

Meijer, M., & Syssner, J. (2017). Getting ahead in depopulating areas - How linking social capital is used for informal planning practices in Sweden and The Netherlands. Journal of Rural Studies, 55.

Olausson & Syssner (2017) Att stärka den lokala attraktionskraften CKS Rapportserie: Norrköping

Syssner, J. Häggroth, S., Ramberg, U. (red.) (2017). Att äga framtiden – perspektiv på kommunal utveckling. Linköping: LiU Tryck.

Syssner, Häggroth, Ramberg (2017) ’Att äga framtiden’. i Syssner, Häggroth, Ramberg (red.) Att äga framtiden. Linköping: LiU Tryck.

Lidström, A. & Syssner, J. (2017). ’Storstadens & landsbygdens utmaningar’ , i Syssner, Häggroth, Ramberg (red.) Att äga framtiden. Linköping: LiU Tryck.

Syssner, J. (2017). ’Plan B – att hantera befolkningsminskning i kommuner’, i Jordbruksverket (red.) Så här ligger landet, Jönköping.


Small, Roy & Syssner, J. (2016) ”Diversity of New Uses in Post-Industrial Landscapes. Diverging ideals and outcomes in the post-industrial landscapes of Lowell, Massachusetts and Norrköping, Sweden”, in Journal of Urban Design. DOI: 10.1080/13574809.2016.1234331

Jonsson, Robert & Syssner, J. (2016) ”Demografianpassad infrastruktur? Om hantering av anläggningstillgångar i kommuner med minskande befolkningsunderlag”, i Nordisk Administrativ Tidskrift, Nr. 3.

Syssner, J. & Olausson, A. (2016) ”Översiktsplanering i kommuner som krymper”, i Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 2/2016.

Syssner, J. & Hospers, Gert- Jan (2016) ”Tabu Schrumpfung. Über den öffentlichen Diskurs zum demografischen Wandel in Schwedischen Kommunen” in Eichert, Christof & Löffler, Roland (ed.) Die Bürger und ihr öffentlicher Raum. Städte zwischen Krise und Innovation, Sinclair-Haus-Gespräch.

Syssner, J. et. al (2016) Den nyttiga kritiken. CKS Rapportserie: Norrköping


Syssner, J. (2015) “Planning for shrinkage: policy implications of demographic decline”, in Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies.

Syssner, J. (2015), “Visioner som formar platsen – Om visionsdriven styrning i den lokala utvecklingspolitiken”, i Geografiska Notiser 2015/01

Hospers, Gert- Jan, Syssner, J. & W.J. Verheul (2015), How the Dutch deal with demographic decline, in: T. Köhler & M. Leyser-Droste (red.), Exploring the Future of Suburban Neighbourhoods under Conditions of Declining Growth, ILS Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund, pp. 17-21

Syssner, J. & Olausson, Albin (2015) ”Att vara en krympande kommun” i Urbanisering. SKL: Stockholm

Persson, Bo & Syssner, J. (2015) Lokal forskningspolitik. CKS Rapportserie: Norrköping.

Erlingsson, Syssner, Ödalen (2015) Strategier för att möta småkommunernas utmaningar. SNS Analys. Stockholm: Studieförbundet Näringsliv & Samhälle.

Hjerpe & Syssner (2015) Utveckling av hållbara turistdestinationer. Om problem, processer & planering. Rapport 0184. Stockholm: Tillväxtverket.


Syssner, J. (2014) Politik för kommuner som krymper, CKS Rapportserie.

Syssner, J. (2014) ’Strategier för kommuner som krymper’, i Hermelin, Brita (red.) Kommunstrategiska perspektiv– Demokrati, organisation, kunskap & samhällsförändring. CKS rapport 2014:1


Syssner, J. (2013) ‘Strategier för kommuner som krymper. Om lokal anpassningspolitik som komplement till lokal tillväxtpolitik’, paper presenterat på XXII Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen i Åbo den 21-23 november 2013.

Syssner, J. & Kvarnström, L. (red.) (2013). Det turistiska fältet & dess aktörer, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Syssner, J. (2013) ‘Den attraktiva regionen - regionaliseringens platser, aktörer, värden & bilder’. I Engstrand, Carl-Johan (red.) Den attraktiva regionen. Trafikverket.

Syssner, J. & Kvarnström (2013) ”Introduktion till det turistiska fältet” i Syssner, J. & Kvarnström, L. (red.) (2013) Det turistiska fältet & dess aktörer, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Kvarnström & Syssner, J. (2013) ”Statens roll på det turistiska fältet” i Syssner, J. & Kvarnström, L. (red.) (2013) Det turistiska fältet & dess aktörer, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Syssner, J. (2013) ”Regionen som fält & aktör” i Syssner, J. & Kvarnström, L. (red.) (2013) Det turistiska fältet & dess aktörer, Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Syssner, J. (2012) Världens bästa plats? Platsmarknadsföring, makt & medborgarskap, Lund: Nordic Academic Press

Syssner, J (red.) (2012) Turisten resenären besökaren. Turistiska berättelser om etik, identitet & resande. LiU-Tryck.


Syssner, J. (2011) ‘No space for Citizens? Conceptualisations of Citizenship in a functional Region’, in Journal of Citizenship Studies, 12/04.

Syssner, J (red.) (2011) Perspektiv på turism & resande. Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys, Lund: Studentlitteratur

Syssner, J. (2011) ’Turismvetenskapliga begrepp – en introduktion’ i Syssner (2011) Perspektiv på turism & resande. Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Syssner, J. (2011) ’Identitet’ i Syssner (2011) Perspektiv på turism & resande. Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Jonsson, S. & Syssner, J. (2011) ’Postkolonialism’ i Syssner (2011) Perspektiv på turism & resande. Begrepp för en kritisk turismanalys, Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Syssner, J. (2010) ‘Placebranding in a Multi Level Perspective’, in Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6, pp. 36–48.

Syssner, J. (2010), ‘Place Branding: spatial visions, public norms’, paper presented at ERSA congress “Sustainable Regional Growth and Development in the CreativeKnowledge Economy”, Jönköping, Sweden.

Syssner, J. (2010) ’Platser, människor, visioner - om Vimmerby som kommun & besöksmål’ i Johnsson, Leif (red.) Samhällsutveckling & Kulturarv i Vimmerby kommun, Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

Syssner, J. & Khayati, K. (2010) ’Veni, Vidi, Adios’, in Tesfahuney, M. and Shough, K. (red.). Det Globala Privilegiet. Sekel Förlag.

Syssner, J (2010), ’Review on ’Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK’ by Scott Greer (ed.)’,in Regional and Federal Studies, nr 5/10, Taylor and Francis Group.


Syssner, J. (2009) 'Conceptualisations of Culture and Identity in Regional Development Policy', in Journal of Regional and Federal Studies.19:3, pp. 437-458.

Syssner, J. (2009) ’No Space for Citizens?’, paper presented at ’Is There a Regional Citizenship?’, International workshop arranged by REMESO and Regional StudiesAssociation, Norrköping, Sweden.


Syssner, J. (2008), ’Den regionala medborgaren’, in Andersson, F., Ek, R., Molina, I (red.) Regionalpolitikens Geografi, Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Syssner, J. (2007) ’Top Down Regionalism? - Methodological implications in studies of regionalism.’, paper presented at 4th ECPR General Conference, Pisa, Italy.

Syssner, J. (2007) ‘Definitions of Regionalism’, presentation at Nordic Geographers Meeting, Bergen, Norway, June 2007.

Syssner, J. (2007) ‘Conceptualisations of Regional Culture’, paper presented at Historikerdagarna, Lund, Sweden.


Syssner, J. (2006), What Kind of Regionalism? – Regionalism and Region Building in Northern European Peripheries, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Publ. (ISBN 3-631-55201-7).

Syssner, J. (2006), ’Review on ’Voices from the North – New Trends in Nordic Human Geography’’, Regional and Federal Studies, nr 1(06), Taylor and Francis.

2005 och tidigare

Süssner, J. (2005), ‘Cultural Hierarchies’, paper presented at ECPR Conference Regional Identities, Cultures and Images – a path to Regional Development?, Norrköping, Sweden.

Süssner, J. (2005), ’Review on ’Culture and Regional Economic Development in Europe’’, Regional and Federal Studies, nr 2/05, Taylor and Francis.

Süssner, J. (2003), ’Nyregionalismens organisatoriska landskap’, Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift, 35.

Süssner, J. (2002), ’Culture, Identity and the Region’, Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Nr 3, Bonn.

Süssner, J. (2002), ‘New Regionalism and Cultural Policy’, paper presented at European Culture in a Changing World: Between Nationalism and Globalism, ISSEI Conference, Aberystwyth, Wales.

Süssner, J. (2001), ‘The Regional Self’, paper presented at International Critical Geographers Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Süssner, J. (2000), ’Review on ’Rethinking the Region’’, Geografiska Annaler B, nr 3/4, Routledge.

Süssner, J. (2000), ’Regionen som identitetspolitiskt projekt’, Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift, 31.

Süssner, J. (2000), ’Regionens politiska geografi’ in Lundén, T. & Öberg, S. (red.), Politisk Geografi, Uppsala Universitet, Kulturgeografiska Institutionen, Nr 111: Uppsala