
Alex Enrich Prast


My research focus on biogeochemistry in: a) engineered systems, with a special interest in the production of Biogas and biofertilizer production from waste and b) tropical natural environments, with a special interest in the Amazon basin.

Acquiring knowledge in nature to solve environmental problems

My research on engineered ecosystems focus on anaerobic process related with the functioning of Biogas reactors in order to increase overall organic matter degradation that will ultimately lead to an increase in methane production and biofertilizer quality.

The more we understand the microbial and biogeochemical regulatory mechanisms behind biogas production, the more we will be able to increase methane yield and reuse of elements from waste. Biogas reactors also render the opportunity to experimentally test factors that regulate anaerobic processes, like the hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis pathways. This understanding is essential to consistently increase methane production in Biogas reactors from a wide range of substrates.

My interest in tropical systems emerged from the fact that most global models are based on an unbalance prevalence of data from boreal and temperate regions. This leads to biased models that commonly do not apply to the tropics. This effect is even more pronounced in the Amazon Region. The current knowledge gap concerning the basic functioning and structure of the Amazon basin impede an accurate scientific understanding of this region. This prevents globally important evaluations, e.g. GHG positive and negative feedbacks as a response of global climate change, a topic that I working now. This lack of knowledge happen at all levels, even with the recognition of the huge importance of this basin regulating the global climate and comprising a large portion of the Earth biodiversity.



Selected publications

Cover of publication ''
L. Pinho, C. M. Duarte, H. Marotta, Alex Enrich Prast (2016)

Biogeosciences , Vol.13 , s.865-871 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Luciana M. Sanders, Kathryn Taffs, Debra Stokes, Christian J. Sanders, Alex Enrich Prast, Leonardo Nogueira Amora, Humberto Marotta (2018)

Biogeosciences , Vol.15 , s.447-455 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Sunitha R. Pangala, Alex Enrich Prast, Luana S. Basso, Roberta Bittencourt Peixoto, David Bastviken, Edward R. C. Hornibrook, Luciana V. Gatti, Humberto Marotta, Luana Silva Braucks Calazans, Cassia Monica Sakuragui, Wanderley Rodrigues Bastos, Olaf Malm, Emanuel Gloor, John Bharat Miller, Vincent Gauci (2017)

Nature , Vol.552 , s.230-+ Continue to DOI

Recent Publications


Igor Taveira, Jefferson Cypriano, Juliana Guimaraes, Ludgero Cardoso Galli Vieira, Jose Francisco Goncalves Jr, Alex Enrich Prast, Fernanda Abreu (2025) Ecology and Spatial Distribution of Magnetotactic Bacteria in Araguaia River Floodplain Environmental Microbiology Reports, Vol. 17, Article e70073 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI



CV in short

Academic Degrees & Positions

  • 2018
    Associate Professor, Environmental Change, Linköping University (Sweden).
  • 2017
    Docent, Environmental Change, Linköping University.
  • 2003
    Post Doc, the Max-Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany
  • 2000
    PhD, Biology (Ecology), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 


  • Analytical Environmental Chemistry course 

  • Inspection and Control of food and Health Security

How to join our research group

If you have your own funding or are interested in joining future expeditions to the Amazon Region, please contact Alex Enrich Prast directly.