Biogas Solutions Research Center

Biogas fueled car at the fueling station.

Biogas Solutions Research Center is a national competence center that aims to create strong, national competencies leading to industrially and socially motivated research on and development of biogas solutions. The center is administered by Linköping University.

Socio-technical energy systems that contain digestion, biogas solutions, usually have very good sustainability performance because they simultaneously treat waste, produce renewable fuel and create renewable plant nutrients. There is a lot of substrate available, the is a huge demand for its products, but only a fraction of the potential is utilized. Within BSRC, the role of research is to create new knowledge and competence that can support a coordinated adjustment.

The Biogas Solutions Research Center (BSRC) works transdisciplinary to create new knowledge through the meeting between many different disciplines and between researchers and practitioners. The focus is on delivering knowledge, competence, international exchange, in-depth collaboration between scientific disciplines and with practitioners, new solutions and analyzes of the contribution to a sustainability transition to actors along the value chain, to the biogas sector and to communities at large.

Communication, networking, education and internationalization are tools for achieving the centre's vision, strategy and goals of realizing the sustainability potential of biogas solutions.


BSRC is financed to one third by the Swedish Energy Agency, one third by the academic parties Linköping University and SLU and one third by the participating parties from business and the public sector. Participants from business and the public sector contribute not only with funding in the form of money, but also with a large investment of time and commitment. They actively participate in the research activities and have the opportunity both to influence the activities and to use the results commercially.

The researchers come from five departments at Linköping University and four different departments at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The researchers come from five departments at Linköping University and four different departments at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The center is administered from Linköping University.

BSRC also has about 50 partners and members from business and the public sector.



Wherever a biogas solution strengthens
the overall resource efficiency, it is realised
Biogas Solutions Research Center, Vision



Postal address

Linköping University Department of Management and Engineering Biogas Research Center SE-581 83 Linköping Sweden

Visiting address

Linköping University Hans Meijers väg Department of Management and Engineering Division of Environmental Technology and Management A Building, entrance 17, 1st floor, corridor A, Campus Valla

GPS Coordinates

WGS 84 (lat, lon):
N 58° 24.0548', E 15° 34.6028'
WGS 84 decimal (lat, lon):
58.400913, 15.576714
6475328, 1486641
6473491, 533707

Researchers at BSRC


Professor guides visitors on biogas-stations.l

From waste to wealth with biogas

They have a mountain of waste and a burning need for green energy. A delegation from Nigeria visited Linköping and there was great interest. They are seeking partners and want to learn more about Sweden's waste management and biogas production.

Photo of biogas plant in the countryside.

Forskare lyfter fram fördelar med svensk biogas

Sverige klarar att tredubbla sin inhemska produktion av biogas på bara några år, bland annat genom organiskt avfall som inte används i dag. Det säger BSRC-forskare i en policy brief.

Photo of PhD-student at her office.

Biogas in Brazil - a resource not being used

Brazil has a significant capacity for biogas production from organic waste that has not yet been realised. Hanna Zanatta has studied several societal aspects that affect the introduction of biogas systems.

Divisions involved in the research at BSRC

Environmental Technology and Management

Environmental Technology and Management (MILJÖ)

Division of Environmental Technology and Management is a research and education environment at the Department of Management and Engineering. We turn environmental problems into opportunities.

Water on a rock

Environmental Change (TEMAM)

Almost all nature bears traces of human activity. Its condition is strongly linked to social development. This creates a need for scientific breadth and problem-solving skills. Education and research at Environmental Change respond to this challenge.

solar panels.

Energy Systems (ENSYS)

The division of Energy Systems is involved in research, undergraduate and graduate education and collaboration with industry and public sector organisations in the field of energy.

Biogas Research at Linköping University
