Photo of Amanda Hoskins

Amanda Hoskins

PhD student

I study EFL students' task-based interactions and how these are affected by the design of speaking tasks

Designing and accomplishing interactive speaking tasks in the EFL Classroom   

My dissertation addresses the pedagogical practice-based issue of parallel interactions, i.e. monologues or interview-like structures such as question-response sequences often found in students’ accomplishment of oral tasks. Findings show that task design affects the students' interaction, creating affordances for collaborative interaction and the development of interactional competence.  

I am interested in how the design of speaking tasks affects EFL students' interaction during task accomplishment. More specifically, my research focuses on the social actions generated by the tasks and how different variables of task design affect the ongoing interaction. Central to my research focus is the role of material objects used in the speaking tasks, for example, instruction cards, cut-out pictures and various physical objects. My data show that these material objects are used by the students as a resource for task-based interaction. 

The data collection comprises video recordings of dyadic task-based interactions between students of English 5 (upper secondary school) analysed through multimodal conversation analysis. 



Amanda Hoskins (2024) The tangible nature of pedagogical materials in L2 speaking tasks: Embodied orientations to pictures and objects In S. Kunitz & A.R. Majlesi (Chairs), The materiality of situated learning: On objects and their use in language learning, teaching and testing contexts [panel presentation]. (Conference paper)


Amanda Hoskins, Silvia Kunitz (2023) The affordances of visual ambiguity in L2 classroom tasks for promoting collaborative interaction
Silvia Kunitz, Amanda Hoskins (2023) Doing the task right: Embodied orientation to task instructions in the EFL classroom
Jessica Berggren, Silvia Kunitz, Malin Haglind, Amanda Hoskins, Anna Löfquist, Hanna Robertson (2023) Combining theory and practice: Findings from a collaborative project on oral task design Collaborative Research in Language Education: Reciprocal Benefits and Challenges, p. 11-27 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI


Silvia Kunitz, Amanda Hoskins, Hanna Robertson (2022) "This is like a patience test": Engagement as observable behaviors while accomplishing untimed, open-ended tasks In A.R. Burch (Chair), Exploring task engagement and orientation through ethnomethodological conversation analysis [Colloquium presentation]. (Conference paper)


Academic Background

I have a degree of Master of Arts in Education (upper secondary school) from Linköping Universitet (2015), English and Spanish. I have also studied Linguistics and Language Pedagogy (MA) at Stockholm University. 

I have worked as a qualified teacher since 2014.

I participated in the research project  From Monologues to Dialogues as part of Stockholm Teaching and Learning Studies (STLS) between 2019 and 2022. I worked as a project assistant at Karlstad University in 2021. It was a pilot project on storytelling and assessment in High-Stake Tests.


I teach English in courses offered by the English Department, IKOS.  

Other Commitments  


Coordinator, Talk and interaction seminar (SIS) SIS schedule

Board of PhD Studies of the Faculty of Arts (PhD representative) 2024/2025

From monologues to dialogues

Research Environment

