Examples of Ongoing Research
Creating Conditions for Trustworthy and Fair Priorities: Organization, Internal and External Legitimacy
Including projects on the organization and practice of priority setting in primary care, palliative care, municipal healthcare,
projects on the welfare system distribution of responsibility and how ideas, norms, values, and power are practiced when allocating limited resources,
projects on the role of leadership and municipal self-governance in priority setting within municipalities and regions.
Ambiguous Governance and Practice in the Frontstage and Backstage of Healthcare and Social Services
Including projects on knowledge governance and the role of politics in knowledge governance, projects on the importance of collegial interaction, discussions and reasoning for managing conflicting demands and priority-setting dilemmas in their everyday operations.
Integrated Care: Collaboration and Coordination of Care Services between Regional and Municipal Care
Functionality during peacetime crises and war within social services
Civil society and voluntary organizations in collaboration with the public sector
The patient in the healthcare system
Including projects on care encounters in which patients express critique and what ideas and assumptions about people govern healthcare systems and organization, together with Jelmer Brüggemann and Lisa Guntram, both at Technology and Social Change, Linköping University. Funded by The Swedish Research Council,
projects on ideas on and the conditions for practicing "person-centered care" among healthcare workers
On Citizenship and Dementia
Citizenship - and being a citizen – concerns to a large extent to be participating and involved in the community and in the everyday life. It can be to participate and influence political matters, such as what goals and what visions that should be at the front in the society, but also to participate in activities and decisions that concern one’s own daily life.To highlight a citizenship perspective can illustrate how citizens living with dementia can continue to be active and participating persons in their neighbourhood, community and in the democracy, and by that also have fair conditions to take part and create their citizenship based on their own individual conditions.
This includes an international project on Dementia in the Workplace (MCI@work), and how conditions for participation can be created for people with mild cognitive impairment/dementia and opportunities to continue being active citizens in society, even after their working life. Projects also explore how citizenship for people with dementia is addressed in policy documents, in interactions with welfare workers, and in the legal field – tensions between law and practice regarding guardianship and the right to self-determination.
On Citizenship and the Conditions for Participation of Elderly People
Including the project "Special Housing as Technological Habitats – Digital Technology as Support for Citizenship, Participation, and Dignity for Elderly People Living in Special Housing." Funded by FORTE. Collaboration btw Jönköping University (PI), Linköping university, Linné university and Karolinska Institute,
Project on Loneliness and social isolation among older people
To Withdraw or withhold Treatments when Setting Priorities
Project that explores the ethical dilemmas that arise when making priority-setting decisions about withdrawing or withholding treatments; examining the reasoning of both physicians and patient organization representatives