Photo of Annika Öhman

Annika Öhman

Associate Professor

What opportunities do people with cognitive disabilities have for participating in activities outside of the home? Do they and well elderly people manage all the everyday technology they need in order to be able to carry on living in their own homes?

Navigating in a changing world

My research focuses on older people’s opportunities for participating in society and for continuing to lead an active life. My thesis dealt with experiences of everyday life from the perspective of persons with dementia. 

An ongoing project, in collaboration with researchers at Karolinska Institutet, focuses on accessibility and conditions for participation in activities and places in public spaces for people with cognitive disabilities.

I am also involved in a project to develop new knowledge about the conditions for technology use among the oldest old and people with cognitive disabilities living in their homes, in relation to the demands the technology makes on those who use it.


  • I am running the project “Can I manage this? Technology, health and ageing in the oldest old” together with Professor Katarina Hjelm and Senior Lecturer Åsa Larsson Ranada at Linköping University (LiU), and project coordinator Ann-Christine Larsson at Testmiljö Norrköping.
  • The project is part of “Activity and participation among older people”, which is one of our themes within occupational therapy research at LiU.
  • I collaborate with the research group Cognitive Accessibility and Technology Use when Ageing in home and Society (CACTUS) at Karolinska Institutet (KI).


I teach in the Occupational Therapy programme and on the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science’s Interprofessional Masters Programme. My teaching in the Occupational Therapy programme is primarily in the first and last semester. I supervise and examine students writing their bachelor thesis, and I am the course coordinator of the first bachelor programme course “Occupational therapy, occupation and health” as well as of the course “Activity perspectives on health and rehabilitation” on master level. I also supervise master thesis projects.

About me

Academic qualifications

• Registered occupational therapist 1989

• Doctoral degree in Occupational Therapy 2007


• Member of the programme committee for the Occupational therapy programme.

• Assistant supervisor of Charlotta Ryd, doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet on the project “Everyday technology use, ability to perform everyday activities and need of support in MCI or Alzheimer’s disease”.

• Assistant supervisor of Isabel Margot-Cattin, doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet / Haute École de Travail Social et de a Santé – ESSP, Lausanne, on the project ”The engagement of older adults with mild to moderate dementia in activities outside home”.



Cover of publication ''
Charlotta Ryd, Louise Nygard, Camilla Malinowsky, Annika Öhman, Anders Kottorp (2015)

Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy , Vol.22 , s.33-42 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Anna Brorsson, Annika Öhman, Stefan Lundberg, Louise Nygård (2011)

Dementia , Vol.4 , s.587-602 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Annika Öhman, Louise Nygård, Anders Kottorp (2011)

Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy , Vol.18 , s.133-142 Continue to DOI


Maria Johansson, Malin Nätt, Anneli Peolsson, Annika Öhman (2023) Frail community-dwelling older persons everyday lives and their experiences of rehabilitation - a qualitative study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 30, p. 65-75 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Isabel Margot-Cattin, Nicolas Kuehne, Annika Öhman, Anna Brorsson, Louise Nygard (2021) Familiarity and participation outside home for persons living with dementia Dementia, Vol. 20, p. 2526-2541 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anna Brorsson, Annika Öhman, Stefan Lundberg, Malcolm P. Cutchin, Louise Nygard (2020) How accessible are grocery shops for people with dementia? A qualitative study using photo documentation and focus group interviews Dementia, Vol. 19, p. 1872-1888 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Isabel Margot-Cattin, Nicolas Kuhne, Anders Kottorp, Malcolm Cutchin, Annika Öhman, Louise Nygard (2019) Development of a Questionnaire to Evaluate Out-of-Home Participation for People With Dementia American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 73, Article 7301205030 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Vedrana Bolic Baric, Maria Andreassen, Annika Öhman, Helena Hemmingsson (2019) Using an interactive digital calendar with mobile phone reminders by senior people - a focus group study BMC Geriatrics, Vol. 19, Article 116 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


